Just The Beginning

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For the first morning, in what seemed like an eternity, Matt was not the first thought in my head. I felt refreshed, like I finally had closure. I could not concentrate on the task in hand. Operation Bring Jase Down. That is exactly what I was planning on doing.

I decided on casually texting Jase.

‘Hey baby boy, you okay? Fancy giving me a lift to school this morning car has broken down; I’ll make it worth your while ;) xx’

It didn’t take long for him to text back. He had taken the bait.

‘You finally come to your senses then? Yeah I’ll be round at 8, do tell me more about how you’re going to make it worth my while tho :P <3 xx’

Snapping my phone shut I couldn’t contain the sigh that passed my lips. That boy was only ever after one thing, and he was going to regret it. I’d make sure of that.

At 8:00am Jase still hadn’t arrived. For someone who was trying to make a good impression he wasn’t that great of a job so far. At 8:15am Jase finally rolled up looking far too pleased with himself. He was sat one arm resting out of his window with shades on, seriously who wears shades when it’s raining. I dashed to the car with my jacket over my head; I had after all straightened my hair. With my jacket being used as an umbrella this gave Jase an opportunity to check my outfit out, which of course he did. Too predictable Jason.

Jase’s eyes lit up when he did see my choice of outfit. My black skinny jeans were emphasising each and every curve, the black stilettos I had paired with them made my longs seem longer. My white blouse clung to my skin and showed just enough cleavage, without showing too much.

The ride to school was pretty uneventful, apart from Jase trying to manhandle me every five minutes. I just had to politely remind him to keep his eyes on the road. After reminding him for the third time I was actually rather concerned for my safety but to my relief we made it to school in one piece.

When we pulled into the parking Jase leant back with his hands on his head as if he was waiting for a blowjob or something. I prayed he wasn’t expecting one.

“So how you going to make it worth my while Aimee?” he asked a smirk already forming on his lips.

Turning towards Jase I put my fingers in his hair and pulled him towards me so close our noses were almost touching. He looked stunned at my sudden forwardness but he soon shook it off.

“Well, how can I help you out?” I whispered huskily into his ear.

I felt Jase’s body tremor as I breathed into his ear. A stirring in Jase’s pants caught my attention. This boy was far too easy.

I twisted Jase’s head so that he was facing me and inched closer so that our lips were nearly brushing. Just as he leant forward to press his lips against mine my phone went off. I had been clever enough to set an alarm, just moments before I began to tease Jase to use as my escape. I sat upright, unbuckled myself and hopped out of the car.

“Sorry it’s Becky, better get in. You might wanna wait for that to go down before you move,” I giggled before slamming the door shut.

The look on Jase’s face was a mixture of confusion and dazed, if only I had had a camera on my possession. Just as I reached the entrance to the school I turned to give Jase a wink before entering.

The day passed in flash, I rarely saw Jase when he did I couldn’t help but smirk to myself. This was only the start. As I prepared to leave I heard someone shout my name. I turned to find Jase leant against his car arms folded in front of his chest. Mere months ago the sight of him stood there in his light blue shirt and jeans would have had my mouth watering. It didn’t help the sun had now come out so his good looks were illuminated. I strolled over to him not wanting to seem too eager.

“Yes?” I asked unimpressed.

“Can I give you a lift home?” he grinned.

“Fine but no funny business this time,” I huffed before climbing in.

For the first ten minutes of the journey home I refused to look at Jase, I wanted him to not know what I was thinking or what I was going to do next.

“Look Aimee, I’m sorry I’ve been an arrogant jerk. Kinda surprised you’re still talking to me, after how things turned out. I just wasn’t in the right place, I was wondering if we could get it a shot. It meaning us,” he mumbled.

I nearly gave him an Oscar there and then, his ‘performance’ had been so convincing. If I wasn’t wise to his ‘ways’ I would have fell for it then and there. Thankfully I wasn’t that naive.

“You think you can just say a few words and I’ll fall at your feet Jase? That’s what happened last time and remember what happened? You fucked and chucked me,” I said coldly.

Jase’s face did seem remorseful, but I didn’t care. He had to realise what he did to girls, that it wasn’t right or fair. I was going to be the one to help him realise that.

This chapter is just kinda a filler, I just had the urge to write! The song at the side reminds me slightly of Aimee's attitude, lemme know if you agree/disagree Comment and lemme know what you think please :)

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