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Did this make me, dare I say it, a slut? I'm not entirely sure how other people react to this situation, having never been in it before. How had I even gotten here? I really wasn't the type of girl to wake up to find a surprise hunk in her bed, well I never used to be. Apparently a bottle of vodka changed that. Maybe I should really stop drinking, the consequences aren't all that great. My thoughts soon turned to the boy that lay before me. At that precise moment his eyes fluttered open, and I found myself staring into the blue eyes of Thomas.

"Aimes, morning," he smiled before planting a kiss on my forehead.

I had actually lost the ability to speak. Thomas was here in my bed. With me. Naked. I couldn't remember anything about the previous night after Jase and the busty babe. Somehow I had ended up in bed with Thomas.

I finally managed to regain the skill of speech and spluttered "Thomas. Ermmm...morning. Did anything...happen last night?" I know it was a bit harsh especially seeing as he had just woken up but I needed to piece last night together.

His face turned crimson as he mumbled "Ermmm...yeah. You don't remember? Great the first time I have sex and it's that crap the girl can't even remember it."

I froze as soon as he uttered that last sentence. First time? That meant Thomas was a virgin. Well he had been before I defiled him. How could I be so callous as to take his virginity, drunk or not. I had tainted his innocence. It was all I could do to stop myself from banging my head against something very hard. Thomas was a sweet guy, he was only meant to a pawn in my game yet I had used him more than I had intended on doing. Much more.

"Thomas, we did use something, didn't we?" my voice quivered.

He shook his head in response. This irritated me slightly, everyone knows to use protection whether or not they've had sex before. Yes, I do realise that it's not just the male's responsibility but in my defence this wasn't planned and I was certainly in no fit state if I couldn't even remember the sex in question! This really was not happening to me. It couldn't be, surely I'd wake up to find it all a dream.

"Look Thomas I'm really sorry but I've gotta go sort myself out then. Let yourself out," I snapped as I hopped out of bed to find some clothes to wear. I felt awful for the guy I really did but I did not need anymore drama so the best thing to do was walk away.

I decided upon the first outfit I saw. I slipped on my black vest top and white skinny jeans, the look I was going for was casual. Not the look of a girl who's just woke up to a naked boy in her bed that she fucked. If that was a look. I ran to my bathroom to brush my teeth as quickly as I could before darting out my bedroom door

In the hall I was met with my Mom. I half expected her to scream at me and give me the 'disappointed' speech again but instead she just smiled. She was smiling? I peered into the living room to find everything in place, nothing broken and no rubbish anywhere. Pristine. Completely spick and span. There was no way that after a party my living room remained perfect. How was this even possible? It was like a light bulb went off in my head. Becky! She really was fantastic that girl, I now owed her big time but I didn't mind.

"I'm off out I won't be long," I shouted as I jogged out of the front door.

My Mom and Dad were gonna freak when they saw Thomas I just knew it, but at that moment in time that wasn't my main concern. My main concern was making sure that I didn't get pregnant, sure one day I'd love kids but not at eighteen. I'm sure they'd much prefer a boy in my room rather than a pregnant daughter, not that they'd see it that way of course.

The 'morning after pill' was my only solution. What a name for a pill, right? All I had to do was get to a drugstore as far away from home as possible, to save myself the embarrassment of anyone noticing me.

Eventually after two bus journeys I arrived outside a blue drugstore. The paint was peeling, which made it look a little grotty, but it looked quiet enough which meant I was unlikely to bump into anyone I knew. The bell above the door rang as I entered. So much for an inconspicious entrance. I shuffled towards the counter, my stomach was doing somersaults, not knowing how to word my request.

A plump woman in a clean, crisp white nurse like outfit stood at the counter. Her blonde curly hair was tied into a tight pony, so much so that her face was wrinkle free. At my presence her thin lips pursed in disgust. It was almost as if she knew why I was here and I could feel her disapproving eyes glaring at me. After what felt like an eternity I reached the counter.

"C-c-can I have the morning after pill please," I stuttered full of fear.

"Lidster, we need a Next Choice out here," she barked.

My cheeks immediately felt as if they were on fire. Talk about discretion! I knew I wasn't in the best of situations but there was no need to treat me like vermin, I was a paying customer. At least I was doing the right thing!

A brown haired boy strode from the back and handed her the package with force. He began to turn away until his eyes fixed on me. Great another lad checking me out, I certainly didn't need yet another boy in my life. I began to twist away, I would just have to go to a different drugstore. One where the staff weren't perverts or hard faced cows.

"Aimees?" he questioned as if he didn't believe it.

I couldn't believe it myself and I was the one in this predicament. That wasn't the only thing I was struggling to believe, that voice was familiar. Far too familiar. I pivoted on my heel to come face to face with the male who only the day before I'd been dying to escape. The boy who had made me hurt him so I didn't get hurt myself.

"Matt?" I asked in disbelief.

Holy shit! Of all the frigging drugstores there had to be and I had to totter into the one he worked at. They say bad things come in threes. Maybe I'd get stung by a swarm of bees. Maybe I'd get mugged. I was anticipating the third when he spoke.

"Is this...for you?" he queried his face full of confusion.

I nodded my head, not wanting to speak. Not wanting to speak the truth. It was official I was a slut.

"That'll be twenty one ninety nine," the plump woman stated.

I grabbed the money out of my bag and handed it over, not once removing my eyes from Matt. He looked crushed. Maybe he'd come to the realisation that I was a slut too. He wouldn't even look me in the eye, which is never a good sign.

A single tear rolled down my cheek as I grabbed the package and raced out of the drugstore. I continued to run once out onto the street. Not knowing where I was going but knowing I had to be away from there. The tears by now had began to fall thick and fast, making it impossible to see. I managed to make it to a bench before breaking down completely. My life was very quickly becoming a mess.

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