I Beg Your Pudding?

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Anticipation filled me as I waited for the mystery person to speak, my whirred through the possibilities of who it could be. Matt? Harvey? Creepy drunken guy?

"Don't worry about it hun, he was just a jerk." I was relieved to hear Becky say.

I really couldn't cope with any men at the minute. I sat up and leant over with my head in my hands wondering how I'd got myself into this mess of a situation. The bed dipped again as Becky walked away. Light filled the room as I found her stood by the light switch with the bottle of vodka in her hand. She shuffled back over to me and threw herself on the bed, handing me the bottle as she did so. I lifted the bottle to my mouth and took a swig letting the clear liquid pour down my throat. There was no burn or warmth in my stomach this time I just felt numb and empty.

"Becky. That bastard broke my heart and here I am trying to pretend that I'm okay when I'm clearly not. I just can't forget him, it's not that easy." I sobbed.

Becky pulled me close and let me nuzzle myself in her neck. As I cried tears ran down my face and my mouth was soon filled with a salty taste.

I pulled away suddenly. "Actually why am I here crying over him? He broke my heart he didn't care about me I was just a bet. I bet he's always been a heartless jerk!"

"He wasn't always." Becky whispered.

My head span to face her as soon as my brain registered this comment. What was she talking about? Oh no! The shock realisation hit me he hadn't used her too. I mean I had noticed that they hadn't spoken but I had always assumed it's because she didn't get pulled in. But I was wrong they didn't speak because he had used her just like he had used me. I was gonna crush him!

I stood up and began to storm towards the door, I was gonna hunt this pig down and show him who was boss! Before I could reach the door Becky called out to me.

"Aimes wait I need to explain."

This had better be good I thought. I went and sat down back on the bed.

"Do you remember that summer when we were 15 and you were travelling Europe all summer?" she asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Well I met Jase at the arcade just happened to bump into him and we got chatting. We hit it off and were soon spending everyday together. It was sweet, holding hands, stealing kisses that kinda thing."

"What did he do to you Becky? It wasn't your fault you know, he has this way of pulling people in so he can get what he wants. I'm gonna kill him, I really am." I found myself growling the threat.

Becky just looked down and twiddled her thumbs in her lap. Seeing this really concerned me.

"It wasn't him. As you can guess things progressed we began making out and the rest. He wanted to wait. He did but I tried to pressure him, but he didn't want to. I thought it meant he didn't love me so I ended it. He begged and pleaded with me, told me he loved me but I just walked away." she cried whilst wiping her tears with her arms.

"W-w-what?" I stuttered. This couldn't be true.

"When we went back to school he had changed. He was just so cold towards me, I felt bad I really did I tried to apologise but he wouldn't forgive me. He said I'd broken his heart." she sobbed completely breaking down at this point.

I pulled her close and put my arm around her shoulder.

"That was when he started collecting skanks. Before I knew it he had slept with half the girls in our year. When he tried it on with you that was why I warned you off him. Then he started being different towards you, chasing you like they do in films, so I thought he'd changed. He hadn't thought. But, yeah, that's it. I made Jase a player. I should have told you I'm so sorry"

This confession shocked me to my core. I grabbed the vodka bottle and drank from it until I was unable to breathe. Offering Becky the bottle I gave her a shy smile.

"It wasn't your fault you know? Don't blame yourself. Now dry your eyes and let's go and dance, forget about blokes they're no good anyway. C'mon biatch!" I sang.


Dancing with Becky I felt surprisingly happy. I had my best friend and at that moment I could not have been happier. For the rest of the night my mind was off revenge and more concerned with giving my girly a good night.


Hey! Just looked at the stats and I'm #84 for Teen Fiction and #852 for What's Hot. I just wanna say thanks to everyone who's read, voted and commented =)

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