Chapter Five

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Sounds, like muffled thunder
And, perhaps, the clattering of shattered glass...

Alyss woke up at a start and sat straight up in her bed. The alarm clock read "6:30a.m.", so Alyss had clearly slept through her alarm.

"Fuck," she murmered to herself when she realised that she had only thirty minutes to get ready and catch the bus.

She walked over to her mirror and grimaced when she saw the dark bruise under her eye, reminding her of last night. "I'm glad I have Alana," she thought. "She may have saved my life."

She pillaged through her closet, quickly throwing on a purple flannel with a torn shoulder stitch, a Snow Patrol tee-shirt (even though she hadn't listened to them since middle school), and black, faux-shredded skinny jeans. She covered up her bruises with just a small extra touch of makeup, traced on her eyeliner and headed out the door to the bus stop. Alana was waiting on her in the back seat and, as always, she was fast asleep. Alyss sat down next to her and fell asleep on her too.

At the breakfast table that day, Alyss and Alana were sitting side by side and making jokes about the crappy whole wheat pancakes the cafeteria was forced to make when a tall, dark-haired girl with deep, sapphire eyes sat across from them. "Hey Alyss!" she said softly.

"Oh," Alyss said, sounding scared to speak. "Hi Dani," she managed to whisper out.

"Alyss, you don't have to worry about anything that happened between us before," Danielle started. "I understand why you didn't say or do anything. You were afraid for yourself. I probably would've done the same thing in your position."

"You know that's not true. You would've done something. You're strong. I'm so fickle. I'm a horrible friend. Why are you even talking to me?"

"Because I care about you, Aly. You used to be my best friend. It killed me to push you away like I did."

As the two went on, both in guilt and desperation, Alana sat and listened.

"What is wrong with the two of you? You obviously both still want to be friends. So why don't you both just forgive each other and let it be?" Alana interrupted. The two both looked down and were silent. "Stop it! You, Dani, offer your hand. Alyss, you shake it." They hesitantly did as she demanded. "See? All better."

"I -- um -- I'm glad to have you back, Danielle," said Alyss sincerely.

"I'm glad as well," Dani said through a bright, warm smile.

"So, Dani, this is my girlfriend, Alana. Alana, this is the girl I told you about, Dani."

"I know," said Danielle. "We've been talking over Facebook. That's kinda how I got the nerve to come over here and sit by you today."

"Well then, in that case, I'm glad that you two found each other. Thank you, babe," Alyss said as she hugged Alana tightly and kissed the side of her head. Alana blushed and hugged back.

"Awww!" Dani teased. "You guys are so cute together."

Alana and Danielle shared a knowing look that confused Alyss, but she shrugged it off as insignificant.

Midnight that night...

Alyss woke up to her phone buzzing.

Alana: BABE!!!
Alana: I KNOW you're not asleep when I have something this important to tell you!
Alyss: Ummm...what is so important that you had to wake me up in the middle of the night?
Alana: I LOVE YOU!!! <3
Alyss: I love you too. But couldn't this have waited til this morning?
Alana: Love never waits to show itself. It happens on it's own schedule, and if that schedule conflicts with your schedule, you can just get over it ^~^
Alyss: Well, I can understand that. But next time don't wake me up at 12am, okay?
Alana: I'm sorry...I was trying to be sweet...I thought you'd like it...
Alyss: No, sweetie. Please don't be upset. I loved it. It's just that I have problems getting to sleep and staying asleep as it is. I don't need people messaging me in the middle of the night. Now I'm going to try to go to sleep again. Good night. I love you. Thank you for the texts <3 Stay amazing.

Saturday morning...

Alana: Good morning! Get over here as soon as you can!
Alyss: Good morning. Why? What's up?
Alana: It doesn't matter. Just get over here.
Alyss: Okay. Just give me a few to get my makeup on and stuff.
Alana: No. No makeup. Clothes, hair, and deodorant. Nothing else. HURRY UUUUPPPP!!
Alyss: Okay, okay. Calm down. I'll be over in 20. I love you(:
Alana: I love you too, sweetheart(:

Alyss jumped up out of the bed and went through her closet, picking out her favourite outfit: a royal blue Foo Fighters tee shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. Basic, check. Modest, check. Alana-approved, check, check, check.

Since Alyss's parents were at work on the weekends, they didn't care what she did as long as she was back home before when they got home, which was generally around ten o'clock at night. Alyss walked out of the door and down the street to Alana's house.

The door busted open. "Alyss! Get in here!" Alana said excietedly. She grabbed Alyss's arm and drug her through the house's threshold and closed the door behind her. Alyss followed her down the small hallway into the kitchen where Alana's parents were.

"Hello," said a tall, light-haired woman with a strong, dark man standing next to her. "You must be Alyss."

"I am," said Alyss nervously.

"It's very nice to meet you," the man said with a smile and extended his hand for a handshake that Alyss took. "I'm Daniel, Alana's father, and this is Heather, her mother. Our daughter has told us so much about you."

"All good things," Alana said.

"I trust you, hun," Alyss said timidly. "And it's very nice to meet you two as well. You have an amazing daughter."

"We like to think so," said Daniel. "Just treat her well. She deserves the best."

"Believe me, sir, I know, and I do my best to give her what she deserves."

"Yeah, yeah," Alana interrupted. "Come on, Alyss. We're going to my room." She took Alyss's hand and they walked to her room. When they had both entered the door, Alana closed the door behind them, pinning Alyss against it and kissing her deeply.

"I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to do that," Alana said through heavy breaths.

"I think I may have a clue," said Alyss.

Alana lay on her bed and patted beside her. Alyss lay next to her and they became, again, a tangle of arms and legs, kissing furiously, fingers softly tracing sides and running through hair. Alyss had found her true love. She knew that for sure. This was where she wanted to spend the rest of her life: in the arms of Alana Jacobs -- her Alana.

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