Chapter Two

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Alyss opened the text.

Alana: I need to tell you something... I just don't know how to tell you without it seeming weird...
Alyss: Just say it. It's not like it'll bother me. Besides, I prefer complete honesty and openness in who I associate myself with. But I'm guessing that Eric has told you that already.
Alana: He hasn't...
Alyss: Well now I have. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm here if you want to. I won't press.
Alana: I think I'll wait.
Alyss: Whatever you would like. So how's life here in shitville, Alex County, Alabama as compared to the Golden State?
Alana: Different. Much different.
Alyss: How so?
Alana: Well, for starters, the food. I don't think I've ever eaten so much grease in my life.
Alyss: I hate it... I've been on a diet to limit my fried foods intake for about a year and a half now.
Alana: I was wondering why you were so thin compared to everyone else here.
Alyss: Well...yeah. That and the fact that I'm out jogging while everyone else is watching TV.
Alana: Do you watch it at all?
Alyss: Not since I was thirteen.
Alana: How in the hell do you live??? What do you do for entertainment?
Alyss: Music. I love it. It keeps my mind occupied while I'm jogging.
Alana: Of course. I can't believe that I have a crush on a music head.
Alana: Oh shit! I did NOT mean to say that. Please ignore it...please...

Ten minutes later

Alana: Please don't be mad at me...

Fifteen minutes had passed since Alana admitted her interest in Alyss and she was starting to lose hope and think that she had scared her off when her phone vibrated.

Alyss: I don't seen how...I'm a horrible barely know me. I mean...You're great. You're smart, funny, and gorgeous...God, you're gorgeous..but there's so much more about you that I don't know. There's so much more to a person. There's their sense of humor. Their life stories. What they've been through... Everything..
Alyss: I'm not mad. It took me a bit to think and type.
Alana: Oh...okay...
Alyss: I just want to get to know you better first, okay? We can be friends.
Alana: That sounds fine.
Alyss: Okay(:
Alyss: Hey..cheer up. I'm not saying "no". I'm just saying "not quite yet".
Alana: I know...
Alyss: Alana...... -.-
Alana: (:
Alyss: I'm going to hope that was sincere.
Alana: how about that Chem test tomorrow?
Alyss: Shit! I need to go study for that! I'll text you later tonight, okay?
Alana: Alright. Same. Talk to you later.
Alyss: Later(:

Alyss didn't want to study. She wanted to lay down and think, so that is exactly what she did for three solid hours. She thought on what was happening. She was falling for someone who she had only met that day. How stupid was that? She couldn't stand herself. She refused to be hurt again. Not after what Sara had done in May to her when they had dated. Not again. But maybe it was time... Maybe she had waited long enough. She should know these things. She should know herself. She should know what she wanted. She did. She wanted Alana. But she didn't know her enough to trust her with that. Nonetheless, Alyss was always a slave to her own wants.

After about three hours, Alana's phone rang. She picked it up and answered.


Alyss replied weakly, "Hi".

"Hey. Are you okay?" Alana's voice was full of concern.

"Maybe. Look -- I'm sorry about earlier. I was stupid. You're great and I hope I didn't screw anything up with you because I really like you and..." Alyss choked her tears back, "and I'm sorry. I want to give Us a chance. Would that be okay?"

"I think that would be perfectly okay," she smiled. "I'd love that."

So began the story of Alyss and Alana. Neither of them knew how much it would change things for both of them.

They stayed on the phone that night until one o'clock in the morning until they both fell asleep. The next morning, Alyss woke up to a text from Alana.

Alana: Good morning, beautiful(: I hope you rested well. I can't wait to see you!

Alyss texted back before she even got out of bed.

Alyss: Good morning, gorgeous! I can't wait to see you either! See you in a few.

Alyss shot up and put on her favorite band shirt, her plaid, red, unbuttoned flannel, her deep purple skinny jeans with false tears on the thighs, and her dark, smokey eye shadow.

About an hour later, she got on the bus. Alana had a seat saved next to her and Alyss sat down next to her, grinning uncontrollably. Alana grabbed her arm and buried her face into her shoulder.

"I'm so sleepy..." Alana said, muffled by Alyss's arm.

Alyss smiled and stifled a giggle. "You're great. You know that, right?" She waited for an answer. "Babe?" She looked down and Alana was fast asleep. "Huh. Rest up, then," and she kissed her head softly. "Their first kiss," Alyss thought. "Their first kiss and Alana wasn't even awake for it". She decided to push that thought from her head. She was overthinking things. She lay her cheek on Alana's head and fell asleep, just like that, on the back of the bus.

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