Chapter Nine

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The school bell rang and students rushed to be in their first period classes. The halls were abuzz with mindless chatter; all of the "did you hear" nonsense and the false surprised faces -- the thing you see every day. The jocks were screwing around at their lockers. The preps were laughing at whichever poor girl was their prey for the week. The goths were thoroughly dispersed listening to music in their headphones, even though anyone within five feet could hear it. Everyone was in their place. Everyone was doing what they typically do. Everyone, Alana noticed, except Alyss.

Who knows? Maybe she just decided to skip school today. Maybe she was just too depressed. There was no way she actually did something, right? She was probably just being over dramatic.

Still, that question stuck in her head:
"What if...?"

She grabbed her books from her locker and headed to Chemistry, where she first met Alyss. She sat down at the lab table with that empty seat beside her and checked her phone. Still nothing.

"I wonder if she's seen the missed calls. Surely she's just avoiding me. She has every right to after what I did. I'm sure she's okay."

Coach Baker walked into the room glumly with her coffee mug in one hand and planner in the other. As she set both down the class quieted down, likely afraid of whatever bad mood she was in today.

"So," she began. "I'm sure all of you with all of your gossiping and whatnot know of the terrible and sad event that has come to pass this weekend. Alyssandra Howard has been hospitalized and is on life support. Her condition is otherwise currently unknown. I'm at no liberty to discuss this any further with you. Please just leave it at that and keep their family in your thoughts and prayers."

The words hit Alana like a freight train.

"Alyssandra Howard has been hospitalized and is on life support"

She stood up and ran out of the room without saying a word, and understandably so. How could she? How could she speak when could hardly even breathe? She hid inside a bathroom stall, the only place in that building where she could find some solace to cry.

"This is my fault," she thought to herself. "This is my fault. I did this."

The words repeated in her head like a symphony of self-hatred made on record and stuck on loop.

The bell rang for second period. There was no way she had been in there that long. Either way it was her queue to wipe her tears and join the world again.

In the hallway she kept her head down until she got to her locker. This time she focused in on the chatter. The "did you hear" today was about the obvious. The false looks of shock were as false as ever. No one truly cared. That much was obvious. She shut her locker door and turned around swiftly in an attempt to dodge out of any awkward situation, yet accidentally running right into one.

"Hey, Lana," Dani said carefully.

"Hey, yourself," Alana replied just as carefully. They both knew they were walking on fragile ground. "Do you, uh, wanna come back to my place again today and talk this stuff out?"

"I mean, would you be okay with that? Considering --"

"Stop," Alana interrupted. "If I didn't want you there I'd not have asked. So, is that as yes or a no?"

"I'll be there. No worries. I'm always here for you".

With that, they both turned and went their separate ways to their separate classes. The rest of the day was a lot of the same: Alana seeing empty spaces where Alyss should be, smiling at her from across the class room.

Alex County Memorial Hospital, ICU waiting room, 2pm

"So... I'm dead?? Like really dead?? I actually did it?" Alyss exclaimed fearfully.

The girl looked saddened. "No," she said. "This isn't that. This is the in-between". She walked to Alyss and grabbed her hand. "Come with me. I know someone who can help you".

The two walked the stairs to the next floor up, Floor 22, Geriatric ICU. The hallways were flooded with people. They were young, maybe in their twenties. The girl led Alyss through the crowd, down to the end of the hallway. On the right was a room labeled "264B".

"In there," the girl said as she pointed to the door.

Alyss took the hint and let go of the girl's hand. "What was your name again, sweetie?" Alyss asked.

"My name is Brook," she said sweetly. Somehow in all of this madness she retained her innocence.

Alyss nodded. "Alright, Brook. As soon as I can figure this mess out I'm gonna come see you, okay? I promise". She opened the door and entered the cold, dark room. The sound of the heart monitor was arrhythmic. She heard breathing — rattling breathing. She looked in the corner and saw the dead, wilted flowers from the room she had seen before, and a man standing there looking at them with sad eyes. He looked to be about in his twenties, and his muscles pressed firmly against the red cloak he was wearing. He looked...almost feral.

He spoke in a voice that sounded of gravel, "I know why you came, Alyss. You have questions. But I'm afraid to disappoint as you likely won't enjoy my answers".

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