Chapter Ten

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"What are you talking about?" Alyss asked. "Brook led me here. Who are you?"

The man slowly pivoted around and look into Alyss's eyes. She could see his face clearly now. His eyes were red in hatred. His ginger beard was down to half of his chest. His figure had made him seem younger, but in this light Alyss could see that he had had far too many years on him.

"I am whoever I choose to be," the man said. "Now, tell me everything". He pointed his right index finger toward Alyss and she felt a pulling sensation in her mind, compelling her to tell her life story to the man.

"My mother died when I was young. She killed herself because she couldn't handle having a daughter that was gay. My father resents me for it and his personality that was once so sweet has turned him to hatred. My step mom doesn't do a god damned thing," she took a breath.

"I blame myself too. I fuck everything up. I had met this girl, right? Her name was Alana. And she cheated on me. I gave her everything. I loved her wholeheartedly, and now it's like I don't even exist to her," she stopped to breathe as she was fighting tears.

"I tried to kill myself. I didn't want to live anymore. I'm just so pissed off at the world that I can't function. I hate my mom for leaving me. I hate my dad for beating me. I hate Alana for cheating. I hate myself for being the reason because I'm not good enough. Worst of all though, I hate myself for fucking breathing!"

The man turned to her and gave her the same sad look he was giving the flowers earlier.

"I pity you, child. I do. You are so filled with rage that you'd take your own life". His words seemed so dark, so pained. "I've lived a long life, as you can see," he points down at the old man on the bed. Alyss saw this tired, atrophied body laying still. On his arms and hands were scars. On the nightstand she saw a photograph. It was a picture of the man in the bed, but looked like the one she was talking to. In the photo he was wearing a military uniform which was greatly decorated. "Now. To answer your question... I am War".

Alyss looked shocked and confused. She was certain she was speaking with a crazy person now.  She spoke up, "Yeah I mean I see that you were in war. I see the picture there."

"I was in war, yes, the second World War. But this isn't about that. In my time in the war, I became War". He walked even closer to Alyss and touched her shoulder. "And now I'm passing the torch to you. Good luck, Red Rider".

He shoved her hard enough that she hit the ground. Pain was radiating throughout her body. Everything felt like it was spinning. She tried to sit up and noticed the white walls around her. She saw that she was hooked up to a machine that monitored her vitals. A doctor walked in and touched her hand. It didn't pass through. It was living flesh on living flesh. She was alive, somehow.

"Alright Ms. Howard," the doctor started. "I'm glad to see you awake. You may want to lay back down, though. You've lost a lot of blood". He walked around to the monitor and scribbled some things down on a notepad. Alyss laid back down.

"So I didn't die?" Those were the first words she'd said since she woke up.

The doctor looked into her eyes somberly. "No, Alyss. You didn't die. But you were very close. Now just lay back and we'll get you something for the pain". He pushed a syringe of some liquid medicine into the IV tube she had in her arm. A few seconds had passed and then everything began to feel heavy. Alyss closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Sounds, like muffled thunder.
And, perhaps, the flattering of shattered glass accompanied by the rich, metallic taste of blood.
A face pressed against the glass. Alyss's face. Looking in on bloodied Alyss. A hand reaches in through the shattered window of the car and pulls her out. The new Alyss was stained in blood, but not her own. The sundress she was wearing that was once white was now red. The new Alyss spoke only three words. "It's my turn".

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