Chapter Seven: Life Gives You Terrible Things

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Allison's POV

I'm going home at the end of the week. Three days have passed since Harry's death scare. I've only got two days until I leave now. That means my days with Ashton are numbered.

The doctors say I'm all better now, that there's nothing left to fix. I still have to see a therapist every week though. I'm not as screwed up as they first thought, but I've got a long way to go until I'm better.

I've decided that I'd be willing to live if it meant that I'd get to see Ashton and be with him. I'd be willing to live if I can stay happy. And Ashton makes me happy.

Harry didn't die that night, but his cancer has spread. It is no longer just in his brain. It has now taken over his entire being. I say "his" as if he asked for the cancer, like he owns the cancer. Or the cancer owns him...

Anyways, I'm laying down in my bed, or the hospital's bed, waiting for Ashton to come. He texted me a few minutes ago saying he was stuck in traffic. He said be here in about 30 minutes.

I flip on the tv and some sort of sitcom pops on. I only turn it on for background noise. My phone dings signaling I have a text.

I reach for my phone with lightning speed, but instead of Ashton's name on the screen it's... Michael.

Michael and his "gang" have bullied me since I moved in with my new parents. Michael tried to make a move on me, but because I refused him he's made it his life goal to torture me.

Luke, one of his best friends, asked me out and we dated for a short time before I was told it was a bet and Luke didn't really have feelings for me. If I had to pick I'd say he's definitely the nicest of the trio though.

Anyways Michael found out about my past and has made it his life goal to torture me with it.

I shouldn't have opened it. I knew that the moment I clicked on the little message app. But I still did. It said:

Hey loser, thought you could get rid of me so easily, huh? Well I'm back bitch. One of my spies saw you at the hospital. They said something about suicide? Lol you're a depressed freak and everyone knows it now, thanks to Calum. Maybe you should cut a little deeper next time. No one wants you here anyways.

Oh, and you know you're sweet innocent little Ashton? He doesn't actually give a fuck about you. It was Luke's idea. Confused? Calum saw you in the hospital and Luke said we should get you back. So we hired our little friend Ashton.

I'm surprised you fell for it so easily. How could you ever think anyone really cared? You're a depressed bitch no one wants. Have fun in hell!

I look up from the phone willing myself to ignore him. But I know I can't. Michael can't be telling the truth, can he? How else would he know of Ashton though.

I knew Ashton didn't really give a shit about me. I just didn't expect it to hurt this much. He's a great actor, I'll give him that.

I find myself getting up from the thin cot and reach under the bedside table. My parents thought they confiscated all of my blades but I was smart enough to keep one in my overnight bag.

The stupid ass nurse accidentally left my bottle of pills on my food tray. I've got about 20 minutes. I can do this.

I rush over to the bathroom, adrenaline being the soul source of my energy. I shut the door before filling up the porcelain tub.

I should thank Michael. That was the last little push I needed. I knew I wasn't wanted. No one needs me now. I'm going to go out the way I tried to last time. The only difference is that this will work.

I rip off my purple sweatshirt and begin my usual drill. I haven't done it in awhile though, there hadn't been a need to. I've almost forgotten my routine. And the sharp sting of my metal friend.

I slice in, each cut deeper than the last. I begin crying because I don't know what else to do. I cry about not ever being good enough.

With my last bit of energy I swallow the last of the pills, all fifteen of them, and then step into my watery grave.

I pause, looking at everything one last time. As I feel the weight of my being sink into the tub and feel my last breaths radiate throughout my body, a persistent pounding sound comes at the bathroom door.

It's Ashton and I know it. I'm supposed to die God damn him! Why does he care? He doesn't give a shit.

The door slams open and I barely open my eyes to see Ashton's curly blond hair and black skinny jeans. That is all I can see.

Ashton begins shouting for every doctor and nurse within the hospital, as he continuously yanks at the call cord beside the tub.

Ashton drags me out of the warm bath and starts pounding on my chest.

"Allison. Allison, please wake up. I need you. Don't leave me. Allison," I hear his shouting. But all the other people swarming into my small room crowd out his voice.

As I'm out onto a hospital bed and wheeled down the hallway I hear him shout, "I'll love you for as long as forever may be!"

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