Not the same

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James and Katherine released their embrace and stared straight into one anothers eyes.
"How long has it been?" Katherine asked softly. James stroked her cheek.
"Too long my dear, almost 80 years in fact." He spoke in such a way that it was almost forgotten that he was a psychotic killer,but just a man.
Katherine's eyes widened at the number and removed his hand from her face.
"I-Ive been t-trapped for 80 y-y-year?" She began breathing heavily;James embraced her again and made soothing noises.
"Hush my dear, youre hear now and that is all that matters" James was pushed backwards.
"Where is she!? Where's Elizabeth!?" Katherine was now standing and pacing quickly toward the door, but James was hot on her tail and grabbed her waist forcefully.
"No! She will kill you! Youre still weak Miss Katherine and I am not loosing you again." Her face was still full of rage.
"I will get Miss Evers to clean you up and when she has and you have calmed down. You can join me in room 78 for dinner. Please do not act irashionally without my explanation my dear." He kissed her forhead and jestured miss Evers forward, who ebliged without hesitation.


James quickly set up the record player; choosing some slow jazz music that happened to be one of his favourites. He then walked swiftly backed to the table and made sure all the candels were lit and that there was not a piece of cutlury out of place. This dinner needed to be perfect.

Knock knock

James pulled the door open with grace to reveal the blonde Katherine in a knee length golden dress.
"Miss Katherine, you look ravishing" he smirked down at the blue eyed girl in pure admiration. She, however, seemed less enthusiastic. Katherine walked past him toward the candle lit table and turned back toward him.
"Why didn't you look for me James?" She blurted out.
He was stunned at her bluntless, the words hitting him like knives.
"My dear Katherine, I did look for you. I sent Sally and the children to look for you! However, we were clearly unsuccssesful. Had I known you were still in the Hotel, I can assure you I-"
"Did you really think I'd just left you?" She interrupted.
James didnt answer, but the trith was yes. He thought she'd found a good man, a better man than him.
"I would never do that to you. You shouldve known that Jamie" He smiled at his old nickname and walked toward her so they were mere centimetres apart.
"Im sorry Kathy" He smiled at her; looking into her eyes and then at her lips. He leaned into her, but she backed away.
"The dinner will be cold"
"Yes, of course" James brushed off his feeling of rejection. She was giving him mixed signals; just like old times.
He pulled out a seat for her and then took his own across the table.
"You look more beautiful than i remember miss Katherine." He took a sip of whiskey, but did not fail to see Katherine blush, this calmed his nerves a little.
"I want to take things slow James" she stated sternly.
"Aw, and why would that be?"
"Miss Evers told me your 'hobby' was still the same and you know how i feel about it" she played with her food while talking.
"I do" , she looked up at him.
"And Im not going to stop. Katherine you know how I feel about you, but despite my feeling for you I can not change who I am, so Im not going to try" he placed his whiskey glass down, he would not give up one love for another.
Katherine said nothing and the room was silent for what felt like hours until she finally spoke.
"Then things can not go to how they where. If you refuse to promise me what you once did" she spoke quietly, probably shocked by James's inability to adapt to her needs, things had changed.
The previous promise between the two was that if Katherine where to marry him, then James would stop his 'hobbie'. However, non of this did happen ,as Katherine disappeared just days after their engagement.
"How can I promise you the same thing my dear? Have you forgotten that you will now also have to kill to survive? Youre a vampire darling, sorry to break it to you." He snarked, she had to agree now.
"I will not kill anyone. Id rather be thrown back down the shoot" she hissed. James banged his fist on the table.
"Then I will force it down your throat Miss Katherine!" He yelled;anger getting the best of him.
"You are not the same James I fell inlove with!" She screamed back at him and stomped toward the door.

The hotel was having one of its annual parties in celebration of its anniversary.
It was sworming with beautiful women whos husbands were still at war.
This was the most fun Mr.March had, had in a while. He had killed atleast once every night so far and tonight would be no exception.
He looked across the room and toward the dance floor, his eyes where drawn straight to a girl whom was dancing alone amoungst a circle of people clapping to her beat. She seemed so free, without a care, he enjoyed watching her.
He stepped forward to join the people and began clapping also. Her smile was extraordinary, like he had seen on no girl before.
She began jesturing for people to join her in the middle but people shook their heads in modesty.
James walked forward and linked arms with the blonde who smiled widely at her saviour and they both continued to dance within the clapping people.

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