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"sometimes, in poetry, or novels, or movies, you see people describe their lovers as things like the sun, the moon, gardens, or flowers.

but i would never call you my sun or my moon because that would be such an understatement. you'd be my whole fucking universe.

and you are not like the colourful gardens or fragrant flowers in them because you're so much more than just pretty petals on the outside.

beyond that, humans in general are not flower petals or summer rain or autumn leaves at all. we are not beautiful when we fall, we are hurt and beaten down and weak. we are at the bottom of the fucking barrel and some people say that means we can only go up from this place we seem to be stuck in, but when you fall hard enough, there is no up.

when you fall as hard as i did, everything is the numbness of sideways or no direction at all."

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