Chapter Ninteen By Giladriel

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Dear journal,

So I'm guessing it was a bad idea to tell Arthur that I have a girlfriend.

And I'm guessing that it was an even worse idea to tell him that Darcy, of all people, is my girlfriend.

Yes, I am an idiot. I am a stupid, stupid idiot. I'm already five feet under, but if she reads my emails, then she'll most definitely do the honours and start digging the sixth one for me. I'm a dead man.

But, I can't help thinking that there might be a possibility that she could actually be my girlfriend? I mean, if she wasn't so scary, and she didn't hate me, I might actually like her.

Eh, I think that's a bit of a stretch. She is my worst enemy, after all. Ever since the beginning of sixth grade, she's been my arch-nemesis.

Also, I'm not sure who she'd be if she wasn't scary. Fear is her best friend.

I wasn't lying about the project thing, but I did tweak some minor details—such as, it was me who was doing the slacking off, and her who gave me the talking to, but eh, same thing. Arthur doesn't have to know.

Speaking of Arthur, a historian? He'd be perfect at that. It really would be too bad if Mary didn't get into the college, because he already talks like he's from another century, and being a historian would be easy if you were historical yourself.

And I can imagine what some of his poetry would sound like:

Where art thou, Mary?
Thou art slackingeth in schooleth.
Thou shalt not pass, surely,
So I shalt not be historianeth.

He must be an old dude trapped inside of a fourteen-year-old's body to write something like that. Also, it's a little bit ironic that he's seemingly stuck in the past but he's dealing with anxiety. How he managed to snag such a chill person like Mary, I do not know.

Darn it, I forgot to impress Arthur by saying 'professor' in my email to him. Oh well, there's always next time.

Anyway, that's my cue to leave for school.



Dear MatthiasOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz