Chapter 8

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Halt looked at the targets Will and Ashlyn had been shooting at and nodded.
"Not bad at all," he said. "Your shooting is definitely improving."
Will and Ashlyn grinned at each other. That was high praise coming from Halt. Halt saw the exchange and added, "With a lot more practice you might even reach mediocrity."
Both of their smiles disappeared.
"That's enough shooting for today. Let's go," he said and set off, striding down a narrow path through the forest.
"Where are we going?" Will and Ashlyn asked, trying to keep up with the Ranger's long strides.
"Why do they ask so many questions?" he asked the trees. As expected, they didn't answer.
They walked for about an hour before they came to a collection of buildings. Will and Ashlyn were aching to ask more questions. But they knew that Halt wasn't going to answer them. Sooner of later they would find out why Halt brought them here.
Halt led them up to the largest of the structures, then stopped, signaling for Will and Ashlyn to do the same.
"Hello, Old Bob," he called.
Ashlyn heard someone moving inside the shack, then a wrinkled bent man came out through the doorway. He had a messy, long, white beard that was covered in dirt and he was almost bald. He walked towards them, nodding a greeting to Halt.
"Morning to you to, Ranger! Old Bob said. "Who's this you've brung to see me?"
He looked keenly at Will and Ashlyn. The eyes were bright and alert. "This is Will and Ashlyn, my new apprentices," Halt said. "Will, Ashlyn, this is Old Bob."
"Good morning, sir," Will and Ashlyn greeted.
Old Bob turned to Halt. "Calls me sir! Hear that, Ranger, calls me sir! These 'uns will make fine Rangers!"
"Are the ready?" Halt asked impatiently. The old man nodded a few times.
"They are indeed!" he said enthusiastically. "Follow me this way and see 'em." He led them to the back of the hut, where there was a small, fenced off paddock. There was a lean-to shed at the far side. Old Bob let out a loud whistle.
"There they are," he said, pointing to the lean-to.
Ashlyn looked and saw three small horses trotting towards them. They were small, shaggy animals.
The larger of the three trotted immediately to Halt's side. He patted its neck and handed it an apple from a bin that was near by. Halt leaned forward and said a few words in its ear. The horse tossed its head and neighed, like they were sharing an inside joke.
The other two ponies waited by Old Bob until he had given them an apple to crunch as well. Ashlyn studied the one farthest from her. It had a beige coat with black mane. It was small, but sturdy. Its body was shaped like a barrel. Ashlyn looked at the horse with amazement. She had never seen a horse like this one before. The horse walked over to Ashlyn and nudged it's head against her shoulder.
"This 'un's called Tug," Old Bob said.
    He gestured to the horse nudging Ashlyn's shoulder. "And that, un's called Aurel," he explained.
    He handed both Will and Ashlyn a rope bridle. Ashlyn took it and looked into Aurel's eyes. Her horse matched her actions. Deep in Aurel's eyes, Ashlyn saw something very familiar. Ashlyn saw the determination to prove the everyone wrong. The determination to prove herself. Ashlyn smiled to the horse and whispered in her ear.
    "I know exactly how you feel. I think you and I will be great buddies,"
I like you all ready, Aurel seemed to say.
    Their 'conversation' was interrupted by Halt.
    "Well," he said, "What do you think of them?" He was rubbing the other horse's nose.
    "I think he's great," Ashlyn exclaimed.
    "He's sort of . . . small," he said finally.
    "So are you," Halt pointed our. Ashlyn looked over to Old Bob, who was wheezing with laughter.
    "He ain't no battlehorse, is he?" he asked.
    "Well . . . no," Will said awkwardly. Old Bob laughed.
    "But he'll any of those fine fancy-looking battlehorses into the ground!" he said proudly. "He's a strong 'un. He'll keep going all day, long after them battlehorses have laid down and dies."
    Ashlyn listened to the conversation with interest. These small ponies were much stronger than they appeared to be.
    "I'm sure he will," Will said politely.
    Halt leaned against the paddock fence.
    "Why don't you see?" He suggested. "You're fast on you feet. Turn him loose and try to catch him again."
    Ashlyn picked up the challenging tone in Halt's voice. She lead Aurel over to where Halt leaned on the fence.
    "You just love messing with him don't you?" she said in a playful tone.
    "I have no idea what you're talking about," Halt said emotionlessly, but unnoticed by Ashlyn, he had a hint of a smirk on his face.
    Ashlyn turned back to watch Will attempt to catch Tug. Ashlyn giggle as he was chasing the small pony around the paddock. Will was looking very frustrated, but Tug looked like he was having a blast.
    Will stopped and spotted a barrel filled with apples. He walked over to it and pulled one out.
    "Come on, boy," he said.
    Tug tossed his head and walked over to Will. While Will gave Tug the apple, he grabbed the reins.
    Will looked up and saw Halt nodding and Ashlyn was laughing, watching Aurel as she scratched her behind the ears.
    "Well thought out," the Ranger said. Old Bob elbowed the cloaked man in the ribs.
    "Clever boy, that!" He laughed, unaware of the glares the Ranger was giving him. "Clever and polite! That 'un'll make a good team with Tug, won't he?"
    Ashlyn was still scratching Aurel behind the ears. Every time she would stop, the shaggy pony would do everything it could do to get Ashlyn to continue petting her.
    Old Bob looked Aurel trying to get Ashlyn to pet her again and laughed.
    "Won't let ya stop will she," he said.
    "No kidding," Ashlyn laughed as started scratching Aurel against.
Halt glanced up at the sun, which was disappearing behind the trees that lined Old Bob's clearing and the meadows beyond.
"Take them over to the lean-to and Bob can show you how to groom them and look after their tack," he said, then added to the old man, "We'll stay with you tonight, Bob, if that's not inconvenient?"
    The old horse handler nodded his head. "I'll be glad of the company, Ranger. Sometimes I spend so much time with the horses that I start to think I'm one myself." Unconsciously he dipped his hand into the apple barrel and selected one, absentmindedly crunching into it— much as Tug had done a few minutes prior. Halt watched him, one eyebrow raised.
    "We might be just in time," he observed dryly. "Then, tomorrow, we'll see if Ashlyn and Will can ride them," he said, guessing as he said it that his apprentices wouldn't get a lot of sleep that night.
    He was right. Old Bob's tiny cabin had only two rooms, so after their supper, Halt stretched out on the floor by the fireplace, and Will and Ashlyn bedded down in the warm, clean straw of the barn. They were both worrying about tomorrow. Neither of them have ever rode a horse before. They were wondering if they would fall off, or not. After a lot of thinking they both finally fell asleep.

I finally updated. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I wasn't busy or anything, I just forgot. Anyways, as always comments, tips, and suggestions are always appreciated. Thanks and I'll try to update more often. Key word try. No promises. Also, if you see any mistakes, please let me know. I was trying to edit it really fast, so I might not have caught everything.
Bye for now,

The picture is what Aurel looks like.

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