Chapter 10

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    Will and Ashlyn rode their horses through the fairground, which was crowded with people. All of the villagers and castle inhabitants seemed to be out. The two apprentices were riding carefully, making sure their horses didn't step on anyone's foot.
It was Harvest Day, the day when all the crops had been, well, harvested, and stored for the upcoming winter. After a month of hard work, the Baron allowed his people a holiday. Every year, the traveling fair came to the caste and set up their booths and stalls. There were fire-breather, jugglers, singers, storytellers, and more. There were stall where you could win prizes.
Will and Ashlyn weren't focused on the stalls or performers. They were meeting up with their wardmates for a picnic. Jenny arranged the meeting, she promised she would bring a batch of freshly baked mince pies, which she would bring from the kitchen. She was already one of Master Chubb's prized students and he boasted of her artistry to anyone who would listen.
    When they arrived at the meeting place and they left their horses in the shade of an apple tree. Ashlyn looked over to see Will giving Tug an apple. She saw her horse giving her an expectant look.
    Aren't you going to give me one, Aurel seemed to say.
    "I already gave you two this morning and you know what Halt says about me giving you too many apples," Ashlyn replied. Aurel snorted in reply. He obviously disagreed with Halt on the number of apples he should get. Ashlyn shook her head with a sigh and started rubbing her horses head, but a voice made her turn around.
    "Why if it isn't young Will and Ashlyn." Ashlyn turned around to see the warm eyes of Baron Arald.
    "Yes sir," Will said.
    "Happy Harvest Day," Ashlyn said to the Baron.  He nodded in acknowledgement and leaned forward, slouching comfortably in his saddle on his large battlehorse. Ashlyn and Will had to crane their neck to look up at him.
    "I must say, you two, you look quite the part there," Baron Arald said, "I hardly saw you in that cloak of yours."     Ashlyn glanced down at the cloak, Halt had given the cloaks to them a few weeks prior. He said that the gray and green mottling broke up the wearers shape and helped them blend into the landscape. It was one of the reasons Ranger's could easily move unseen.
    "It's the cloak, sir," Will said. "Halt calls it camouflage." The Baron nodded familiar with the term, which had been a new concept to Will and Ashlyn.
    "Just make sure you don't steal anymore cakes," he said with mock severity, and Will shook his head hurriedly. Ashlyn sensing where this was going was starting to laugh.
    "Oh, no, sir,!" he said immediately. "Halt told me that if I did anything like that he'd tan the skin off my backsi—"     That was the final straw for Ashlyn before she burst out in a fit of laughter.
    The Baron nodded again trying not to let a wide grin to break through which was almost impossible with Ashlyn uncontrollably laughing.
    "I'm sure he did," he said. "And how are you two getting along with Halt. Are you enjoying learning to be a Ranger."
    Ashlyn answered first, who stopped laughing. "I will admit it's challenging, but I like it. Halt is tough, he leaves no room for lying around," she said.
    The Baron nodded, considering her words. "I'd imagine so," he said.
    "I suppose so," he said hesitantly. "Only . . ." His voice trailed off and the Baron looked at him more closely.
    "Only what?" He asked.
    Ashlyn watched as Will shifted from one foot to another.
    "Only . . .  Halt never smiles at all," he said finally. "He's always so serious."
    Ashlyn saw the Baron trying to suppress another grin. "Well," the he said, "being a Ranger is serious business, you know. I'm sure Halt has impressed that on you."
    "All the time," the two apprentices said ruefully and, this time, the Baron couldn't his back a smile.
    "Just pay attention to what he tells you. You two are learning a very important job," he said.
    "Yes, sir," They both said at the same time again.
    "Just a tip don't speak at the same time it's freaky," the Baron said before turning away.
Will called out to him and Ashlyn left deciding to give their conversation privacy. She sat in the shade of the apple tree. She closed her eyes, letting the wind blow through her hair.

Okay, here's the next chapter. I had it pre-written, so I just had to edit it. I will also (hopefully) get another chapter out tomorrow or the day after. I felt bad so I decided to write another chapter. Hope you liked it. Thanks for reading, tips and suggestions are always welcome.
Bye for now!

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