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***Beyonce POV

1 month Later
Los Angeles, CA

It's been a crazy 30 days. I've been going to court like crazy and I'm emotionally tired. I'm sitting at the kitchen table cutting up Blue's waffles.

"Don't cut the pieces to small" she screamed at me and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Mommy no small pieces please" she calmed her voice down like she knew she got out of line.

Rihanna walked into the kitchen wearing an over sized tee. "Blue is mommy bothering you?" She shouted from the doorway.

"Rih can you cut my waffles please" Blue said in her cutest voice

"Well" I said "Sorry I wasn't good enough" I said to Blue who grabbed her plate and walked over to Rihanna.

"Go into the living room sweetie, I'll bring it in when I'm finished"

Blue walked away singing some song that was playing on the tv. Rihanna put the plate on the table and came up behind me wrapping me in a huge hug.

"Good morning" she kisses the top of my head. "Do You have another long day today?"

I roll my eyes "Jay is soo difficult! He's literally making everything harder than what it needs to be, I'm just about to say the hell with it all you can have everything, the only thing I need is Blue, all that other Shit don't matter to me"

I had told Jay that all I wanted was the house in LA, and of course he said that he wanted it and now it's this whole big thing, and of course this nigga never came to his sense and we're also in a custody battle over Blue, I'm pretty sure I'm going to win but it's just hard not being able to be with her when ever I want because we have temporary split custody over her. 

"I don't know how much more of this I can go through" I put my head down.

"You're going to get Blue, don't stress that. It's going to be ok"

"I'm not worried about that, I'm just ready not to see him anymore, he's so different now Rihanna, like I can't believe how much someone can switch up on you in a month, how was I ever married to him."

Jay has been a monster, he's not taking anything well, he told my mother about me and Rihanna before I could even get a chance to, and she didn't take it well. She said that she didn't understand it and how could I throw away our marriage. I mean she just recently came around to it, because she knows I need her support. It's not that she didn't like Rihanna, It was more of a matter of me being in a relationship with a woman, which I didn't care, I loved Rihanna and I was with her, I honestly didn't care how my mother felt. Rihanna's family on the other hand took it very well. Even tho we weren't ready to let our family know, Jay kind of forced us into it. But it was nice to have support from her family. Her mother was so accepting. She told Rihanna that if she was happy, then it didn't matter who she was with. They were already talking about us going down to Barbados to visit! Which I was excited about, I needed a vacation from all this bullshit.

He also canceled the Tidal concert, which I wasn't shocked about. But now we're so heavy in the media, just adding fuel to the fire. We haven't been seen with each other for over a month and the divorce stories are standing strong. One thing I'm shocked about is that Jay didn't come out to make a statement and put me and Rihanna out as Lovers. I have to commend him for that.

Their was a silence in the room and then Rihanna broke it.

"So i don't know if this is the best time to talk about it, but.. When are we going to come out to the world. I mean it's only been a month but I'm just so tired of sneaking around. I just want to be out with you. You know how annoying it is that I can't go to court with you for support because it's going to look suspicious."

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