Day 2 - Your Least Favourite Song

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Least Favourite Song: POMPEII

About it: There was a time when it used to be on the radio whenever I turned it on and my friend was sharing it on google+ and it was so annoying because I didn't see anything good about it like I would in a Taylor Swift song. This story is going to be very short because I can't elaborate on something I don't like.

Trigger Words:

But if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like nothing's changed at all

And if you close your eyes

Does it almost feel like you've been here before

How I'm gonna be an optimist about this


I stand and stare at the fallen walls of what once was my apartment block. I had been grocery shopping at the supermarket when it started shaking. I was walking home when I felt a vibration underneath my feet. These kind of things don't normally happen around where I live. I didn't know what to do.


Everyone is either running or staying still. I followed the running.

"Get into an open space!" someone yells at me. Open space? What does that mean? My mind changes to panic mode. Everyone is spaced out in the middle of the road on Church Street. Open space...away from buildings! I hurriedly join them, away from things that may topple on top of me. One by one the cement cases begin to crack and fall to the ground. My apartment is one of those. Shock overtakes me and I am frozen, jaw hanging open, unable to speak. Basically, just petrified. The shaking's stopped but I am still stationary until someone's tapping me on the shoulder, telling me that it's stopped and only then am I revived. Stay strong, I think. I close my eyes and picture I am in my room, listening to my favourite song. I can hear myself humming in my head. Strange, it almost seems as if I were there right now. Tears stream down my face silently, unnoticed.

I can hear sirens.

That's all I can remember before I faint.



That was the crappest story ever. In my opinion. I hated it. I left a cliffhanger. I hate myself for doing so but there was nothing else I could do. Let's hope that the next story should be better. Creepy eyes in the video on the sidebar.

 Love you guys, xoxo

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