Day 8 - A Song That You Know All The Words To

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A song that I know all the words to: We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

About it: If you're anything like me, you'll have memorised every single word, tune, guitar solo, even then 'ooh's and 'yeah's that the singer inserts after the first chorus, in more than three hundred songs. Finding a song that I know all the words to is like finding a needle in a haystack. But, if you're anything like me, you're a massive swiftie and you were absolutely obsessed with WANEGBT for three months after the single was first released. Need I say more? I think not. Read on! 


I remember when we broke up / the first time / saying this is it I've had enough

Mark and I had never been the type of couple that would make it past high school, university and into marriage.

I mean, sure, the fact that we had been crushing on each other ever since the eighth grade did help our relationship, but when we broke up and then got back together every two months or so, the hopes of raising a family when the parents refuse to speak to each other for five days every three weeks, aren't exactly the best.

My girlfriends were constantly teasing me about our on-and-off relationship and I didn't blame them. I mean, it's hard to resist when your best friend storms to your house every two fortnights, blowing off steam about how crappy her boyfriend is, and how this is the last time that she was ever going to talk to him and that they would never get back together ever again. Ever.

And then three days later, you see her holding hands with her apparent 'ex' in the school corridors.

It's not like getting back together with him is hard.

Mark Lennox has chocolate brown hair quiffed and styled to perfection.

Mark Lennox has perfectly straight teeth, without the help of braces.

Mark Lennox is the quarterback of our varsity football team.

Mark Lennox gets straight A's in every single subject.

Mark Lennox has the bluest eyes possible. If you looked at them, you'd feel as though you were looking into the ocean, drowing in all the different shades of blue that somehow blend together in his irises.

In six short words: Mark Lennox is a total hottie.

But it's true what they say, looks aren't everything.

I don't even know why we keep getting back together. It's not like we have those major fights like you see in the movies. We don't make up as dramatically as that either. 

Cos like / we hadn't seen each other in a month / when you said you needed space / What?

I remember feeling so heart-broken and shattered when we first broke up. God, it was so confusing and horrible for me. We had been going out ever since he had asked me out to the Winter Formal when we were both sophomores and I couldn't remember feeling so happy and chirpy about everything before. For three whole months, we were in that sort of stage that people call the 'honeymoon phase'. We were both constantly thinking and talking about each other every single nano-second of the day that Ingrid, one of my girl friends, actually duct-taped my mouth and threatened to tear it off if I kept talking about him for any longer, and Ingrid never gets mad.

Then slowly, our dates were becoming more and more rare. He would always deliver some excuse to me, hoping that I'd believe it.

Oh, I had football training.

Sorry, my phone died.

Did Thursday really pass that quickly?

Steph needed help with her homework. 

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