What the-?

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Annabeth POV

The rest of the day went by quickly and before I knew it I was walking home, with Percy of course.

"Um Wise Girl?" Percy asked super suspiciously.

"What can I do for you today, sir?" I joked.

"Will you go with me to the fireworks tonight?" he asked. I didn't know what to do.

So I did exactly what you would do.
I hugged him. So hard.

"Of course" I replied.

He let out a sigh of relief.
"Whew! I thought Luke already asked you!" he said. Wait what? Luke?

"What-when- why did you think that?" I asked, shocked.

Percy looked at me and then quickly looked away. He scratched his neck.

"Um, w-well he said he thought you were c-cute and I-I was kinda-" he stammered.

I didn't know what to do. He looked so miserable after he said that, as if he thought that I hated him now.

So I did the most logical thing. I burst out laughing.

"Are you...blushing?" I asked. He pouted and then replaced it with a mischievous smirk.

He picked me up.

"Not as much as you are now" he said triumphantly.

"NO! UGH PUT *gasp ME *gasp DOWN!" I said

Then, he let me down and smiled at me. "Surprise number two is tonight!" he said. Then, he winked and walked into his house. I stood there for a while processing what just happened, then I went into my own house.

***********Line Break***********

Percy POV

I could not believe that I just did that! Who would tell their crush that they were jealous of some other guy that was crushing on her?!

Well I didn't tell her, but it was so clear and obvious that I was jealous!!!

I ran my fingers through my hair and walked to my room.

I looked out my window and I noticed that Annabeth's window was right next to mine. I also noticed that her window was not locked.

I got a brilliant idea. Annabeth was reading, but after a while, she got up to go to the washroom.

I opened my window and took a deep breath.

One, two, three

I jumped and hung on the edge of her window. I opened it and climbed inside.

'What a surprise she will get when she finds me in her bed' I thought grinning.

I positioned myself in her soft, comfortable, green bed.

"Is it too late to say sorry, cuz I'm missing more than just your body. Oooooh. Is it too late now to say sorry. Yeah I kno-o-ow that I let you down is it too late to say sorry now."

I heard a beautiful voice sing.

I realized it was Annabeth and I also realized how much talent she has.

I snapped out of my daze as I heard the door open.

"What the-?" she said, her mouth wide open.

"Sup," I answered, wiggling my eyebrows. 

"Why-how-- WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" She practically screamed.

So I explained to her how our windows were next to each other and how I got into her house through her window, which was unlocked.

As I explained her eyebrows went higher and higher and her jaw dropped lower and lower.

"Your lucky I like you. I could have judo-flipped you, as well." she replied smugly.

I laughed and pretty soon she joined in.

"While your here, let's watch a movie!" she exclaimed.

"ANNABETH?! WHO ARE YOU TALKING TO?" a male voice boomed.

"Shit" Annabeth muttered.

"Quick Percy, get into my closet! I'll explain everything later, I promise!" She said.

So I did as she told me to and I found her underwear and bras in the closet. I grinned mischievously as an idea popped in my head.

'Oh aren't I clever' I thought rubbing my hands together.

*********************************** Annabeth POV

Percy went into the closet obediently. My dad opened the door.

"Annabeth, who were you talking to?" he asked slowly but sternly.

"Myself, of course. I'm always so lonely since YOU don't allow anyone over, so I speak with my only company, aka moi." I stated, in my matter-of-fact voice.

Percy snickered in the closet but I glared at him through the little hole.
(A/N I accidentally wrote "hoe" instead!)

"Really? Then who just laughed?" He questioned.

"I did. Because it was that obvious that I was talking to myself!" I answered, hoping that I didn't blow my cover.

My dad eyed me and then sighed. He left without a word.

I let out a breath of relief and I opened the closet and my jaw hit the floor.

There stood Percy wearing my underwear and bra. Along with my sunglasses.

"What the-?" was my only remark.

"Wassup?" He asked. Then, I fainted.



And a follow wouldn't be bad either, btw.


I am going to make one of Percy's friends a traitor. Which one should it be?

I bet half of u guys r gonna say Luke.

Anyways, peace out. ✌️✌️✌️

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