Surprise #2

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👆👆👗 That's Annabeth's outfit for the fireworks.

Short A/N
This chappy is dedicated to my good friends Diva_kenicha Diva_Nikisha luenarossana lxcbaxl and wise_blue_22 . Thanks guys for all ur support. On with the story:

Annabeth POV

I woke up because of some idiot that was splashing my face in water. Oops, that was Percy.

"Oh my gosh! Your alive! Whew" Percy exclaimed, panting heavily.

He still hadn't gotten rid of his 'gown'. I snickered and he looked confused. Then he realized why I was laughing, and he flashed me a heart-melting smile.

It was only then I realized how close we were. He slowly closed his eyes and I did the same. He leaned in and our lips were about to connect when I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Annabeth, come and have a snack." my dad said.

Percy pulled back and looked at the ground, blushing. I did the same. We stood there awkwardly for a while, until Percy cleared his throat.

"Um...I should go home I have eat my snack too. Hehe. But don't forget, the fireworks are tonight!" he said excitedly.

"How could I forget about that?" I replied placing my hands on my hips.

"Oh, and Thalia told me to tell you that she's gonna come over and play dress up with you" he said with a hint of a smile on his lips.

"Oops, I forgot. Girls call that 'getting ready'. Same thing though." He said shrugging.

With that he dramatically blew me a kiss, which I replied with a shove, and jumped out my window.


Annabeth POV

I couldn't believe how Percy could be so sneaky! Imagine if my dad was in here!! He'd freak!

I realized that time had gone by quickly and that I needed to get ready for the fireworks.

So I texted Thalia, but even before I hit 'send', she knocked on the door.

"Hi! I have so much to tell you!" I said pulling her into my house.

"My ears are open and ready to listen to your long speech. Anyway, let's go inside your massive wardrobe and see what you can wear!!" She said excitedly.

We rushed up the stairs and she plopped down on my bed. I explained to her what happened with Percy and everything.

"Oh. My. Gosh." was her only response.
"That sneaky little devil!" she said once she recovered from her shock.

"So, what do you have in mind for me to wear?" I asked.

She grinned. "You'll see. Now, let's go see what's inside that killer wardrobe of yours." She said excitedly.

**********La Line Break************

Annabeth POV

"There." Thalia said. She had chosen a beautiful blue, strapless dress.

"Go and try it in the bathroom!" she said, practically jumping up and down.

"Okay okay." I laughed.
I took the dress and headed over to the bathroom.

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