Fredrick's Secret

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A/N Btw Fredrick is Annabeth's dad's name. And the woman is NOT Annabeth.

Annabeth POV

I woke up after a good night sleep and all the events of yesterday came flooding back to me. I smiled as I remembered Percy throwing me.

I sat up and stretched. I swear, nobody in the world has control over me and my stretching. Not even me.

I got out of bed and realized it was Saturday. Yes; no school.

I was too lazy to put on those uncomfortable things called jeans, so I just stayed in my pjs.

I brushed my teeth and I groaned as I saw my reflection in the mirror. Today was bad hair day for me.

I knew I was hopeless so I didn't brush my hair. Since nobody was coming, I didn't need to get dressed or do my hair. At least, I thought nobody was coming.....

I ran down the stairs and grabbed my Cheerios. I saw my brother, Matthew munching on Cheerios as well.

Maybe I haven't told you this before, but NOBODY. MESSES. WITH. MY. CHEERIOS.

I walked over to him, and he finally noticed me since he was so focused on his video game.

"Hey, Annie." he said, not even giving a flamingo that I was upset at him. I gave him two hard slaps across his face.

"One was for eating MY Cheerios." I said slowly.

"And what was the other one for?" Matthew asked, glaring at me.

"For calling me Annie. My name is ANNABETH and that is what you will call me." I said glaring right back.

He signed and mumbled an apology as he turned back to his game.

"Where's your half?" I asked him. You see, Matthew has a twin named Bobby. 

"He went over to Bethany's." Matthew answered. I rolled my eyes. Betheny's was this girl in their class and she was the second biggest diva I've ever met.

The first being Hannah, of course.

I grabbed myself some Cheerios and milk and I prepared my breakfast.

"Annabeth can you come over here, please?" My dad asked. He was on his laptop, (as usual), and suddenly I got a nasty feeling.

I remembered all the cameras at the party, last night. All the flashing when Percy and I kissed. All the 'clicks' when Percy asked to be my boyfriend.

I gulped and I nervously walked over to him.

"H-hey. What's up?" I asked, trying to sound casual. That stutter at the beginning ruined my 'calmness' though.

"I found a picture of something on the Internet. Do you think it's nice?" he asked.

I looked at the screen. It was a green top with an umbrella-cut at the edge, making it look like a dress. I let out a breath of relief.

Dad looked at me and I quickly made up an excuse for that breath,

"It's so breathtakingly beautiful! I would love to have it!" I exclaimed.

"It's not for yo- I-I mean, I'm glad that y-you like it!" he said, laughing nervously. My dad never acted like this.

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Dad, are you okay? You seem to be acting a little-" I started.

"HAHAHA me *gasp* acting strange *gasp* oh my gosh Annabeth! You're so funny!" he said, cutting me off and roaring with laughter, suspiciously.

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