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Percy POV

After one round of our video game, Annabeth couldn't take it anymore and she ran out the door, letting her tears flow. Then, we came across Fredrick, but since nobody cares about that useless piece of shit, I'm ain't gonna talk about him.

Annabeth and I made Nachos after playing the rest of the video game. Then, we decided to watch a movie.

We decided to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Annabeth fell asleep, right when Harry, Ron, and Gildory fell through the tube thingie, into the Chamber.

I knew this, because I felt her head land with a "thump" on my shoulder.

I turned off the tv and carried her to my bedroom. I tucked her in, and decided to take a shower.

After I showered, I decided to go to bed as well, since without Annabeth, I had nothing to do.
Fredrick POV

(A/N this is Fredrick's POV on what happened)

"Who's that girl?" Kathy asked. I shot my head in the direction she was looking at. No one was there.

"No one, honey." I said, confused.

"She had blonde hair." She said. Then she gasped, "She must've been your daughter! Oh dear."

"Oh no. I have to go after her. I'm sorry, sweetie but I have to go before she tells Athena." I said.

(A/N Athena is Annabeth's mom, btw)

I shut down my laptop and got up. Just as I got out of my room, I saw Annabeth run out the door. The Percy guy asked me what happened.

I just said she had an issue. He looked at me like he didn't believe me, and he headed out, after Annabeth.

Oh no. I thought.

I decided to play it cool, and I told Athena that I was going to the grocery store. Reality; I was going to Kathy's house.

"There isn't anything you need to buy, though." Athena said, just as I was about to go out the door.

"I want to buy lasagna, sweetie." I said, slightly pouting.

"Oh, ok. Don't be too late when you come back!" She said.

I sat in my car and sighed. I loved Athena and Kathy. I didn't know who to stick with.

I had met Kathy at my work. She was visiting her friend that worked at the same place.

We bumped into each other and "accidentally" kissed. I realized I liked her so we started dating. I actually like the excited feeling I get when I'm sneaking out of the house to Kathy's house.

I started the car and decided to get going. I saw a girl crying on the sidewalk, while a guy was hugging her. The girl had familiar blonde hair and the guy had familiar black hair.

I realized that the girl was Annabeth and that the boy was Percy. I decided that she deserved an explanation.

I know what your thinking,

You're just going to tell them the truth and deal with the consequences?

No, my friends. I was going to lie.

I stopped the car at a nearby Esso Station and walked towards them. I had it all planned out, what I was going to say.

Percy looked up at me and sneered, "You," in an unfriendly voice.

"That's right, me, hehe. So, you want an explanation, I believe?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No! I don't ever want to hear you speak again! I don't want you to be in my presence and act oblivious to the fact that I hate your existence!" he shouted.

Ugh, I thought. I hated it when I make up how the conversation is going to go, and the other person doesn't follow the damn script.

"Listen, I wasn't cheating on Athena, if that's what you think. She is the daughter of my friend at work." I said, hoping he'll fall for that.

Judging from his expression, he didn't.

"What did you not understand? Go away!" Percy exclaimed.

I sighed and walked back to my car.

Whatever, I thought. But I heard a voice behind me yell,


I turned around and I was surprised to find Annabeth standing up, her fists clenched and her eyes narrowed.

"I don't believe a single word you said. So, you call her babe? Seriously? We aren't shallow. You're the shallow one, thinking that we'll believe that useless shit!" she spat.

I had no energy left, so I turned around and headed to my car. I couldn't afford to waste my time, talking with her.

"GO AHEAD, LEAVE US! But when I tell Mrs. Chase, we'll see who's crying!" Percy shouted.

I laughed, "I don't cry, buddy."

Then he walked up to me.

"What did you just say?" he asked, narrowing his eyebrows.

"I said, Mr. Deaf, I don't cry," I stated.

He slapped me across the face and Annabeth gasped.

"Percy!" she said. He turned to face her. She sighed and muttered, "Never mind."

I decided to actually get going, before things got too physical.
Annabeth POV

I couldn't believe Percy slapped my dad. I mean, he's still my dad, even if he's dating a woman that's not my mom.

Percy and I watched as Dad's car drove off. He slipped his hand in mine, and squeezed it, reassuringly.

"We'll sort things out." Percy said.

*****La line break de la Story*****
Percy POV

Annabeth and I were walking to Annabeth's house, when we decided that I should tell Athena, since she didn't want to talk about it.

I nervously knocked on the door. Athena opened it.

"Hello, guys-" she started.

"Fredrick is cheating on you!" I blurted out, cutting her off.

"W-what?" she asked.

"Fredrick is cheating on you," I said, this time, slowly.


Athena fainted.


A/N Hey guys! Sorry (again😒) for the VERY late update. I was busy at school and stuff, so I wrote this on my March Break.

How's ur March Break going?

Anyways, comment saying,

"Ice-cream 🍦" if you like the pic I put up there of Pinocchio.

Comment saying,

"Umbrella ☔️" if you get why I put that pic.

If you like it, AND you get it, do both!

That's all for now ppl! I hope u guys r feeling great! Have an AWEOSME day!

VOTE, COMMENT, and GIMME A FOLLOW if u appreciate this chapter! (if ur already following me, ignore that part)




Peace out. ✌️✌️✌️

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