Surprise #3

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Annabeth POV

Percy leaned in. I did as well. I could feel his warm breath. Our lips met and I could feel his super soft lips. We moved in sync and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

Applause roared around us I smiled. We pulled away and smiled at each other. Suddenly someone pushed Percy aside.

"Hey Annabeth!" Luke said. Percy got up and glared at him.

"What the hades, man?" Percy said angrily. Luke looked at him innocently and said,

"Sorry, mate. I thought you were someone else. I didn't want my-um, 'your' girl getting hurt." he said, saying 'your' like it was some kind of disease.

Percy seemed oblivious to his attitude, so he shrugged it off, saying that accidents happen.

But I saw the look in Luke's eyes. He didn't seem- no scratch that. He WASN'T sorry at all, which confused me. At first, he didn't seem that bad.

Anyway, I shrugged it off but I kept it in mind, just in case.

All of a sudden, a familiar looking boy came forward and whispered something to Percy.

"Later." Percy muttered. I recognized him as Jason. He nodded at me, and ran off somewhere.

Percy POV

"What was that all about?" Annabeth asked, her perfect eyebrows raised.

I waved it off. "Oh that? Jason just wanted me to know that...... we shouldn't leave because the party is just starting!" I exclaimed, letting out a nervous laugh.

Annabeth eyed me, but then shrugged. I hated lying to her, by you gotta do what you gotta do. And I didn't want her knowing the surprise.

"So," Annabeth said snapping me out of my thoughts. "When is surprise number three? You promised that it would be today, remember?" She questioned.

"Oh don't worry. That's wayyy later." I said, exaggerating the 'way'. I was silently praying that she would drop the subject.

Well well well, what do you know. God answered my prayer.

"Okay. OMG there's ice-cream! Can we have some? PWEASE?!" she asked, pulling her begging face which was so adorable.

"Okay fine." I said. She pulled my arm all the way to the where the ice-cream was and I paid for it.

Well, I paid for it after we fought over who got to pay.

"Don't you look beautiful tonight." the dude selling the ice-cream said, winking at Annabeth.

I gritted my teeth.

She frowned at him and said, her voice full of arrogance,"We would like two Rocky Roads please."

I almost cried. She remembered my favourite flavour!

Which ice-cream would you like, Seaweed-Brain?" Annabeth asked me.

"I adore Rocky Road!" I squealed, jumping with excitement. She laughed and rolled her eyes.

She decided to try Rocky Road so then she paid for our ice-cream (after our debate over who got to pay.)

"Try it, try it!" I urged her.

"Okay, okay calm down." she said, laughing. "Here it goes..." she said.

She had a lick and she moaned. (A/N don't even go there, dirty ppl. 😏😑)

"It's so good!" She exclaimed. I laughed since she had gotten it all over her nose. She narrowed her eyes and you can guess what happened.

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