Chapter 1

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Edward POV

"I honestly don't understand why we really need to go," I complained to Carlisle as I followed him into his office. He had decided that the family needed a "vacation", and for some unfathomable reason he chose to go to Italy, and stay with the Volturi. I was not looking foward to this vacation.

"Enough, Edward," Carlisle said sternly as he turned to face me, "My decision is final."

"But why?" I questioned impatiently. I knew I could have just dove into his thoughts, but I had too much respect for my father. I refused to invade the privacy of his mind without consent. The same goes for the rest of my family unless I think they're up to something, which basically means Emmett and his pranks.

"Son," Carlisle began, "I chose Italy because it is safer for us there. You know the Volturi have their own little community filled with various activities for us. It will help us stay hidden from society and enable us to be out in the day." Now that I thought about it, it did make sense.

"Oh," was all I said. Carlisle laughed as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I know that you don't particularly like the Volturi, son. Hell, even I don't feel comfortable with them. But it's the best decision for the family." I nodded my head in understanding. It probably was the best decision for us. We liked to enjoy the sunshine; it made us feel more warm, more human.

"Alright, you should probably go and pack. Then give your suitcase to Alice so she can pack it again." We laughed at the joke until we sensed someone at the door. I turned to see Alice peering her head into the room, fingers gripping the doorframe as she was leaned over. She had her eyes narrowed and her mouth set in a straight line. She said nothing, but pointed two fingers to her eyes and then towards us in the gesture of "I've got my eyes on you." 

"Oh, I was just teasing Alice," said Carlisle reassuringly. "I'm thankful for your packing. It makes vacationing a lot easier." Alice's face lit up with a smile.

"Much better," she said, "But yeah, Edward just give me your suitcase. And I'll make sure to pack you a Speedo for when you want to go swimming." I growled at her comment and ran after her. She squealed as she ran down the stairs, me pretneding to give chase. We made it into the living room when I finally caught her around the waist, lifting her up easily as I slung her over my shoulder.

"Edward!" she laughed, "Put me down!" 

"No way, little sis," I said to her as I ran over to the river near our house. I stopped on the raised edge about 20 feet above the water. I looked down to see fish swimming with the flow of the clear, river water. The river led down to a small lake a couple of miles away. My family and I enjoyed going out there for a swim whenever it got sunny here in dreary, little Forks.

"DON'T YOU DARE, EDWARD ANTHONY!" Alice yelled as she had a vision of what I had planned to do. She always called me Edward Anthony when ever she was mad at me. All the women did.

"Please, Edward. This dress is Chanel!" she looked at me pleadingly, clasping her hands together and jutting out her bottom lip as she mad her topaz eyes wider. 

I sighed in defeat. No one could ever deny Alice's "puppy dog face", as she liked to call it. I set her down gently next to me and she smiled. 

"You better not push me in, Alice."

"Oh no, brother dearest," she said as she turned back towards the house, "That shirt is Calvin Klein." Before I could say anything, she ran off towards home. I snorted. Alice has always been a big fan of fashion, always reading up on the latest trends and shopping at designer stores. She had so many subscriptions to fashion magazines. In-Style, Marie Claire, all Vogue magazines, and much more. But I understand why she likes it so much.

In her human life, she never had the oppurtunity to be a typical girl. She never had the chance to wear make-up or pretty dresses in the asylum. Now that she had the resources and oppurtunity to do so, she didn't hesitate at all. Plus, none of the men had to worry about shopping, considering that Alice did it for us. Although, she let Rosalie and Esme shop for themselves, but always went along to be a "supportive guide".

I looked at the scenic nature around me and sighed with content. Forks sure did have its beauty despite its small size and population. The trees and grass were so green, healthy from all the rainfall. The wild animals were also a great benefit, giving my family and me our food resource. However, we refused to feed on any of the endangered species here, not wanting to be the cause of such a loss.

I gave one last glance around and made my way back home. We would be leaving tomorrow at 8:00 AM. I checked my watch to see that it was 5:34 PM. I still have a couple of hours, I thought to myself. I'll go spend time with my brothers.

I ran up to the game room, knowing the two were in there from Emmett's cursing towards Mario Kart. I opened the door to see Jasper with his head buried in his hands as Emmett yelled at the screen with a Wii controler in his hands.


"Emmett!" Esme scolded from down stairs. Jasper and I broke out into a roar of laughter. Emmett scowled at the television one more time before he sat down and began to play again.

"And yet he still continues," Jasper says with an amused voice.

"Oh, shut up." said Emmett as he concentrated hard on his game. The three of us stayed in the game room for quite a while, playing games on all the different systems. In the middle of our gaming, Alice poked her head into the door.

"We leave to the airport in an hour," she said sternly, "Oh, and Edward?" I looked towards her expectantly with my eyebrows raised and notcied that she had blocked her mind from me.

"You're going to have a lot of fun in Italy." She said with a wink. She left the room, skipping and singing in French quietly.

"Non, je ne regrette rien..." The three of us looked at each other with confused expressions.

"What the hell was that about?" Emmett asked quietly.

"Who knows what goes on in my wife's head." Jasper said with a smile as he picked up his controller again.

What did Alice mean by "You're going to have a lot of fun in Italy"? The possibilities are endless. So much can happen. A certain activity, a new invention, a new friend. Or maybe . . . No, that's not possible. I'm destined to live through this cursed life alone, like a monster should.

I don't deserve a woman in my life.

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