First Born

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It has been months since Shao Kahn took over Edenia. And a week since Anomaly was exterminated. Although she was dumb enough to kill Sindel, she was smart enough to have a backup plan in case she would ever die. My name is Knightwolf. I am a shaman. I am a Female. You might know my brother. His name is Nightwolf. Just...without the K.

Knightwolf was talking to a female assassin. She was clad in red ninja clothing. Although she did not know her real name, people around her called her Skarlet. Her hands were tied to a tree so that she would be unable to perform any lethal actions. She remained silent.

"I believe you might be connected to the murdered of my people and the ones who killed Anomaly. You can lead me to the people who did this. Tell me, why did you come here?" Knightwolf asked

"This is Outworld property, and you're not from Outworld. Tell me why YOU came here." Skarlet shot back. Knightwolf was calm as ever.

"I live here. Or at least I do for now."

"Well I for one don't live here, nor do I know who this 'Anomaly' is." Skarlet stated as she continued to try and escape her incapacitation.

"You're from the Netherealm, I know that much. But I've noticed that you had contact with Shang Tsung before you came here. Why is that?" Knightwolf asked with suspicion. Skarlet was a bit angered, but decided to change the subject.

"How do you know about these realms? And how do you know Shang Tsung? You're an Earthrealm resident."

"I am from Earthrealm that is true. However, I am also the vanguard of my people. We descended from another Realm that was conquered by Outworld's last ruler. We almost killed him, but Shao Kahn got in the way. We were hunted down for years. Some of my people were stored inside Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, or Anomaly. Only twelve of us were left until you killed ten of us." Knightwolf explained. She then created a small energy hatchet and playfully tossed it in the air.

"If you're a descendant, why don't you have the same power as them? Why is it so much weaker?"

"Unlike my brother, I am young. It will take time for me to learn how to use powerful attacks like him." Knightwolf explained further.

"It doesn't matter. Will you let me go already? I don't have information on your family's killer."

"You ARE my family's killer." Knightwolf clarified.

"You know what family I'm talking about!" Skarlet shouted.

"*Sigh* Well I AM looking for someone to help me in my quest to liberate my brother from a prison. If I let you go, you have to help me. After that, I will give you up to a day to leave." Knightwolf bargained. Skarlet knew she didn't have a choice.

"Sounds like a deal. I guess I'll help. Where is he?" She asked.

Knightwolf nodded. She told Skarlet about the location of her imprisoned Knightwolf. Although Skarlet didn't betray her after she was released from her bind, Knightwolf still distrusted Skarlet. She thought, maybe Skarlet had a change of heart during their encounter, or she was just too afraid to betray her. As they arrive at the gates of the prison, they spot 2 guards wielding their submachine guns. Knightwolf explains the plan.

"All we need is a distraction. Afterwards, we will knock out the remaining guards. I repeat, KNOCK OUT not KILL! Then we get my brother out and leave."

"No need. The distraction was made minutes ago." Skarlet responded.

"What do you mean?" Knightwolf asked. Skarlet just made a devilish grin as her arm had blood leaking from it, even though the blood was really thin. As they both walk into the Lobby, an order on the intercom had issued that all prisoners move to the cafeteria room. That's where Knightwolf and Skarlet headed. As they were halfway there, Skarlet had stopped Knightwolf and pointed to a room where a blond-haired woman in dark-blue skin tight clothing was standing. She stared at the walls of the room in horror. Knightwolf got a little closer and was shocked as well when she saw the walls. The bodies of many guards were posted on the wall. They were all covered with a massive amount of blood, as if they were slaughtered animals. Knightwolf was disturbed.

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