Second Hand

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As the Black Dragon members prepare to assault the girls, Skarlet stood straight and pulled out a Kunai. Knightwolf created a knife using her energy.

"This will only take a minute." Skarlet boasted as she lightly cut her skin.

Skarlet throws the Kunai at one of the mercenaries as Knightwolf did the same thing towards the opposite direction. The mercenary catches Skarlet's Kunai before it strikes him, but he is surprised by Skarlet as she performs a reverse roundhouse kick to his jaw, knocking it out of his skull and killing him. Afterwards, she uppercuts another mercenary's chin into his brain and takes the knife to stab another mercenary. Knightwolf's spirit knife disperses into hundreds of tiny needles which incarcerate the mercenaries and eventually kills them. She then creates a small spirit hatchet which she uses to hack through half of a mercenary's neck, killing him slowly. As the hatchet disperses, she uses a straight kick into another mercenary's stomach and creates a knife to stab the mercenary's head as he leaned over.

"These two are brutal. Why don't we turn this up a notch?" The mercenaries pulled out their Ak-47s and began to shoot at the two. Knightwolf creates an energy armor to protect herself, but Skarlet gets shot up. However, Skarlet still stands.

"Are you still alive?" Knightwolf asked with concern.

"Just stay shielded." Skarlet responded. All of the bullets that entered Skarlet fired back in all different directions killing a lot of the mercenaries.

"How can one person have so much power?" Knightwolf spoke out loud.

"Speak for yourself. If you're as strong as you are, I wonder how strong your brother is." Skarlet muttered to herself.

There were only 35 mercenaries left of the 73 that were there. 30 of the soldier tried a frontal assault as they walked over their dead allies. However, Skarlet uses her power to create blood spikes from the dead bodies of the mercenaries which kill them. Skarlet absorbs the blood that was shed on the battlefield and starts to heal herself to full strength. The last mercenaries left were four guys and one female.

"You two just killed my entire team in less than 2 minutes. You two are more ruthless than I thought." said the supposed Leader.

"I am not ruthless, I was only protecting myself." Knightwolf shot rebutted. She pointed towards Skarlet. "She, on the other hand, is actually ruthless."

"Blood is how I survive. It's just life for me." Skarlet commented in a snarky tone.

"The name's Kano. I'm the leader of this group."

"I'm Kabal; one of the fastest and deadliest members."

"I'm Jared. You can say I'm the Aggressive, evasive type."

"I'm Tasia, the only smart member of the group." the woman stated as she rubbed her hair over her shoulders. Skarlet look towards a man whose face was missing. It didn't startle her like it did Knightwolf.

"I suppose you all call him no face?"

"Well aren't you a smart gal. Now that you know us all, how about you join us?" Kano offered. Kabal, Jared, and No Face seemed to be okay with the idea. Knightwolf could see some jealousy in Tasia's eyes.

"I would, but I have to complete my mission first. And that will take months. Besides, I'm not into creeps like you." Skarlet rejected. She placed her Kunai in her paunch and prepared to leave.

"What a shame that is. I could have used you. But since you're here, I guess we should kill you instead. Tasia!" Kano signaled.

"I'm on it." Tasia pulls out her 2 swords and walks toward Skarlet. Knightwolf prepares to attack her, but Skarlet stops her.

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