Fifth Wall

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*Hours Ago in Earthrealm*

Scorpion has been traveling through Russia disguised as an average civilian. Each person he passed by looked familiar to him. He saw the faces of his dead family throughout the entire area. He's been from Earthrealm to Outworld and back. He had been chased by the Brotherhood, Tasia, and Kabal for nine years.

"Excuse me Sir!" Scorpion was reluctant to look back. He grabbed his chain preparing for the worst as he turned around. Behind him was a female warrior clad in Red and black attire. Even her hair was red. She was around a young Asian male who wore a Monk's attire. Another person who was with them was a Caucasian male dress in street clothing.

"We've been looking for someone for a while now. We've asked around, but no one has any information. We're looking for a guy named Johnny Cage." The monk stated.

"Sorry, I don't know who that is." Scorpion confirmed as he turned away from the trio.

"Really? He's the best fighting hero in the world. I forget what actor plays the role, but it's definitely a talented actor." stated the Caucasian male.

"Enough joking you two." The woman commanded. "It's apparent that he's not from here. Listen, my name is Kira. These are my friends Hornbuckle and Kobra. We've been looking for you, or at least someone like you." Kira stated. Scorpion looked terrified.

"We were sent here by Raiden. We're actually looking for someone named Bo Rai Cho. He's supposed to be training us." Hornbuckle stated.

"I'm not familiar with any of these people. I bid you three—no." Scorpion is distracted by the sight of Tasia and Kabal. They were seen having lunch while trying to keep an eye on where Scorpion was. Scorpion had improvised an idea.

"If you three could help me with something, then maybe I can help you search for this...Bo Rai Cho." Scorpion stated.

"Oh no you're not. You're the third person to tell us this. We're not falling for that trick again." Kobra stated. He slightly drew the attention of Kabal. Thankfully, Kabal's eye sight was not as sharp as Tasia's.

"I believe he's telling the truth." Hornbuckle stated.

"That's what you said about the last guy." Kira responded. "Look, we respect the fact that you don't have the information, but lying to us will get you nowhere."

"Have you three heard of the Black Dragon Klan, the Shirai Ryu Klan, or even the Brotherhood of Shadows?" Scorpion asked.

"You know about them? I've wanted to join the Black Dragon for years now." Kira exaggerated.

"You're talking about that? Raiden told you already; The Black Dragon Klan is not for you. Just give it up." Kobra said rudely.

"Those two over there are from the Black Dragon Klan." Scorpion directed his eyes towards Kabal and Tasia who were still unaware of his presence. "If you can convince them that they can find me in Outworld, they may recommend you to the leader."

"They might not even be legit." Kobra said.

"You idiot, that's Tasia and Kabal. Of Course they're legit. They also have the Black Dragon logo. You have a deal sir. It's time to present my resume." Kira stated as she dashed off to Kabal and Tasia.

"Why do you need her to lie about you?" Hornbuckle asked. Scorpion looked at him and then returned his attention to Kira.


As Skarlet enters the heart of the Armory, she spots all kinds of weapons; from spears and swords to guns and explosives. She carefully treads through the armory, investigating the area. Suddenly, she sees a figure donning a black cape. Skarlet begins to look surprised, but then she begins to look angrily at the figure.

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