Fourth Term

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Long ago, there was a woman who created a league of ninja whose main goal was complete dominance over the world. However, the woman's true goal was to serve her Netherealm Master by building his undead cult known as the Brotherhood of Shadows. Her goal, however, was not complete until she was able to find the map that leads to Shinnok's amulet. Using the amulet, Quan Chi was able to free Shinnok and decided to exterminate the entire clan to hide the evidence of their activity. Only three members of the clan were still alive: Shelia, Scorpion, and Ashrah. Although it is unknown as to how Shelia survived the attack, the clan grew to 17 members ever since she took control and rebooted the clan. Now she seeks out a new goal: To find Scorpion and her sister, Frost.

*Four Years Ago*

"Skarlet, I need your help." Scorpion runs through the forest still trying to escape his pursuers. An army of Black Dragon members are searching through the forest trying to figure out exactly where Scorpion is. Skarlet is also chasing after Scorpion alone. He knows she's not far behind, so he talks to her aloud.

"There is nothing for us to talk about. I've been tasked with killing you, nothing more." Skarlet stated as she throws a kunai at Scorpion. It passes his head. However, Skarlet's body quickly appeared in front of Scorpion. She attempts to slash him, but blocks her kunai with one sword and slashes her waist with the other sword.

"I know you work for Shao Kahn, but killing me will only make Quan Chi stronger." Scorpion explained.

"That's not my problem." Skarlet responded.

"Help rebuild the Shirai Ryu and I can get you access to Quan Chi's superior." Scorpion requested.

"I think I'll refuse." Skarlet stated.

"Your Choice." Scorpion says as he raises his sword in the air.

*At Skarlet's fight with Tasia*

Tasia swiftly swings her right sword and strikes Skarlet in her arm. Skarlet's thick blood kept her arm attached. With her left sword, Tasia attempts to stab Skarlet. However, Skarlet grabbed the bladed part of the sword and snapped it apart.

"What in the world? How did you do that?" Tasia asked in belief. Skarlet uses her Kunai to cut herself and create a blood spear. She raises the spear and prepares to stab Tasia. However, before she can attack, smoke appears all around the area. Skarlet looks around to see what's going on. As she looks back at Tasia, she notices that Tasia is gone. The smoke clears away and reveals that the only people who were around her now were the Special Forces soldiers.

"All units do not engage the hostile. She attacks using some kind of magic or special bio-weapons. It may seem like a joke, but it's not." Sonya radioed in. Someone responded to her, and she responded back. "Negative. You, Striker, and a small unit must scout the area. The girl she was with should be somewhere in the forest." Sonya preps herself as she adjusts her hair.

"You won't win. You never will." Skarlet states.

"We'll see about that."

Sonya runs toward Skarlet and attempts a jump kick, but Skarlet ducks. However, Sonya was actually tricking her and uses her other foot to step on the back of Skarlet's head. As Skarlet raises her head, Sonya pulls out her gun and aims it at Skarlet's forehead. Skarlet quickly knocks the gun away and punches Sonya in the gut. Sonya fixes her gun again and shoots at Skarlet a few times, but Skarlet dodges it all, only getting a few grazes. They end up distant from one another for a while. Sonya reloads her pistol while Skarlet's wounds heal.

"You're good. But let's see if you can do that again." Sonya taunted.

Skarlet pulls out the last 3 remaining Kunai and begins to throw them one by one at Sonya. She dodges the first Kunai by doing a one handed cartwheel to the right. The second one is dodged when Sonya hits a quick backflip. The last Kunai is grabbed by Sonya, but it only distracts her as Skarlet grabs Sonya by the neck. She throws Sonya towards a small group of Special Forces Soldiers and quickly grabs her last Kunai. She throws the Kunai at Sonya which quickly reaches near Sonya's face. Skarlet, again, quickly reaches the Kunai and slashes at Sonya and her men. They are struck gravely and fall to the ground. Skarlet absorbs their blood and escapes the prison as all of the other soldiers fired at her with Automatic weapons.

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