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» "light up a spliff and get high..."

Tiller Household;

A high Bryson laid on the roof of his Kentucky home, it had to be midnight. With his head laying peacefully on her midsection, Paris listened to her friend talk freely about his dreams and deep midnight thoughts.

"I wish we could just sleep up here." He expressed tiredly. Paris sat up a bit, resting on her elbows.


"I don't know. It's peaceful, I guess. I could lay here forever." He added, looking up at the night's sky.

"Ok Bryson, enough of this," taking his blunt from him, Paris exhaustedly rose from their position on the rooftop surface; extending her hand to help him up.

With her help, Bryson stood; wiping off the back of his pants. They walked to the edge of the roof and he, carefully, jumped onto his bedroom balcony before assisting her in doing the same.

"Here," she said handing him the blunt, "do whatever you do with it."

"I smoke it." He explained, laughing with a yawn entwined.

"No, go to bed." Bryson tried to reach for it but she pulled her hand, "I'm serious, don't smoke this."

"Alright, fine." He agreed. She gave it to him and he showed her that he was putting it away. "See?"

"Thank you." She contently smiled.

In regular routine, they left Bryson's house en route to Paris'. They did this any night she stayed late at his house, him wanting to ensure she arrived safely.

Sometimes he walked her home in pure daylight, simply because he enjoyed his best friend's company.

"Paris." Bryson called, breaking the silence of their walk while kicking a rock down the street.

She ignored him, knowing he didn't want anything. Every now and then she would fall for it. He would called her name and when she answered, he would say that he was, "trying to make sure you hear me."

They approached her house, which wasn't too far from his. They stood at the gate and engaged in their special handshake.

"See you in prison." Bryson said as she entered through her metal gate.

"8:30, Bryson." She reminded him sternly. He waved her off and proceeded back the way they had come.


Just the start, I know it's a little boring but it will get better. Please comment.

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