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» "you know all of my secrets and you know all of my weaknesses..."

Wyatt Household;

"We graduate in three weeks, can you believe it?" Paris asked from her floor, where she sat putting together a 100 piece puzzle.

She tried to find any way to keep from having too much eye contact with him or even too deep of a conversation. She just wasn't in the mood.

"It's whatever.." Bryson shrugged as he laid across her bed.

Paris sighed and connected the edges of the puzzle. She'd been accepted to East Carolina University in North Carolina and was really hoping that sometime during their senior year Bryson would have figured out what he wanted to do with his life. It hasn't happened yet.

"Do you know what you're doing after we graduate yet?" She asked, looking up momentarily.

Bryson shrugged, "Nah, but I'll figure it out eventually."

"When is eventually? It's not good to wait so late, Bryson. I just don't want you to regret it later. What if you had a big opportunity and missed it because you're procrastinating?

"Paris, you're so full of 'what if's. That type of stuff stops people from doing what they really want to do. What if I would applied for college a year ago? Who knows, who cares? I didn't and it doesn't matter. You gotta stop being so scared of possibilities all the time."

"I know, I know. I can't help it, I'm always worried about the worst thing that could happen." She admitted, chewing the side of her lip.

Bryson rolled off of the bed and sat beside her, picking up the puzzle box.

"Life...is like this puzzle that your 18 year old ass is trying to put together for no reason," he started, "there's a bunch of pieces and it looks so confusing. If you think two pieces fit each other, try it, it may not work but whatever, move on. Eventually, it all comes together. That's how life is, sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't, but in the end, it'll be alright."

Paris took the box from Bryson and continued to listen.

"That's why I'm not worried about what I'm going to do after high school. I'm going to try different stuff— it might work, it might not. If it doesn't, I'll just come stay in your mansion." He said looking at her.

"I don't like how this whole sermon ended." She said with a small laugh.

"I'm serious," he laughed, "then I'd have to let you out all that nasty shit in my bathroom."

"Speaking of, you seem to know me a lot better than you claim, sir." She said poking his chest.

"I told you, I dig." He reminded her. It became silent in the room and Paris just stared at all the puzzle pieces on the floor.

"Hey," Bryson broke the silence and put his arm around her, "Even if you don't want to tell why you're so sad, let me know who I gotta fuck up. If it's a nigga— I'll piece his ass. If it's a girl, well I'll let Hattie handle the girls." He said.

"Thanks, I appreciate you sacrificing your aunt for me." She laughed.

"I gotta go." He pulled her face closer to his giving her a dramatic, loud kiss on the cheek.

"Bye..." She sighed, starting to pick up the puzzle pieces scattered around her floor.

Bryson got up from his spot and looked around for his book bag, preparing to leave.


"Hm?" She replied, searching the floor for all the pieces.

"Just trying to make sure you can hear me."

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