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[summer of junior year]

"Bryson? Where are you?" Paris asked, walking into Bryson's bedroom from the bathroom.

"IM UP HERE." He yelled back. Paris scrunched up her face, hearing his voice come from the balcony.

She walked onto the balcony and looked around, confused. He ducked his head over the edge and smiled.

"Woah, how did you get up there?" She asked, puzzled.

"I climbed. Here, grab my hand." He said stretching out his hand. Paris grabbed it and stepped on the rail to lift herself up.

Once she was up, she looked at the view.

"Wow, it's nice up here, Bryson." She expressed happily.

The two sat down and talked randomly, per usual. It became quiet after a while in a peaceful silence.

"Paris." Bryson said, breaking the silence.

"What?" She asked, staring at the sunset.

"Just trying to make sure you can hear me."

"What are you talking about? Of course I can hear you." She said looking in his direction.

"My mama always told me that the people you can trust are the ones who can hear you when you call on them in time of need." He explained.

"What are you in need of?" She asked with slight chuckle.

"Someone to listen to my soul."

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