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» "certain it's your love that holds me together..."

Wyatt household;

"I'm done. Oh my God, Bryson, I'm done. Look!" Paris said excitedly, a bit nervous for his reaction.

Bryson stood up and stretched, tired from being in the same position for a while. He went and stood behind Paris, looking at the drawing.

"Damn, you got all the details and everything. It looks dope, ma." Bryson complimented.

"Thanks." She smiled and put the paper safely away. She put the easel back in her closet and put all her utensils away.

"DJ is having a pre-graduation party type of thing. You want to go?" He asked sitting back on her bed.

"No thanks, but you should go and have fun." She sighed and sat beside him.

"You know I'm going without you." He told her, laying his head on her shoulder.

"Bryson, you're going to have to get use to doing things without me. I'm going to North Carolina soon." She reminded him.

"I don't want to talk about that." He shook his head.

"I'm leaving in less than a month, Bryson. But it's not that far away..."

"It's still too far. Who am I going to go on the roof with?" He asked.

"Maybe Mya will get over her dislike for heights." She said shrugging. He just shook his head.

"It's not the same," he sighed, "Besides, I'm not feeling Mya anymore."

"Because of what happened the other day?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's just— it's too much energy to talk to someone. I think I'm going to just be single." He replied truthfully.

"Ah, well at least you got to see what you wanted. I was really rooting for you guys." She lied, nodding her head.

"Don't lie." He shook his head and they both bursted into a fit of laughter.

"What? I'm serious." She shrugged and laughed at his reaction.

"Yea, I know you want Bryson aaall to yourself." He cockily stated, throwing his arms around her. She rolled her eyes and pushed his head away from her.

"You're so silly. Move, I need to pack."

Bryson shook his head and childishly clung to Paris like a young child to his mother.

"I don't want you to leave me." He admitted.

"I'm not leaving you, I'm just going off to college..." She corrected him.

"You're going to go to North Carolina and you're going to find a new best friend— "

"Bryson, you sound like a third grader, nobody can ever replace you, I promise." She assured him, roughing up his hair.

"I just think you should stay, go to college here." He pressed, sitting up.

"Well, I've already been accepted and I'm ready." She stated.

Bryson became silent, turning his attention to a pillow on Paris' bed. Honestly, he was hurt that Paris wanted to leave him. She was the closest thing to him and she was going to leave, like everyone else in his life.

"So you're just going to stop talking to me, huh? That's getting old." She rolled her eyes and got up from the bed.

"I'll leave then..." He got from her bed put his shoes on.

Paris wanted to say something but she also didn't want to apologize for something she wasn't sorry for.

He left out of her room without a word and Paris just sighed. This was not how she wanted to end her night.

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