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» "say I fucked up, I'd have to agree but second chances I do believe in..."

[last day of school]


Bryson couldn't take it anymore. It was Thursday. Almost a week without so much as a hey. It was slowly but surely driving him insane.

Not many people came to school, so the day mainly consisted of roaming the halls and saying goodbye to teachers.

Paris sat at a picnic by herself scrolling through Instagram on her phone. She felt a presence across from her and looked up to see Bryson staring back at her.

"Look, I don't like not talking to you, you don't like not talking to me, can we just stop this?"

Paris, a bit shocked, sat her phone down and pushed hair behind her ear.

"Are you still mad about me going to college?" She asked, giving him a tired look.

"I was never mad about you going to college," he explained, "It was the fact that you're going so far away."

"But I'm really not, Bryson. It's two states away. We're getting older so things aren't going to be the same and there's nothing we can do about it but I'll make an effort if you do. We can still be the best of friends like we always have been." She explained to him.

"Do we're best friends, right?" He asked for assurance.

"Um, yea? That's what I thou—"

"Well, I mean, duh we're best friends but, like, do you— are we—.....this is sooo fuckin' confusing." Bryson said putting his head on the table.

"Bryson, are you alright?" She asked leaning a bit to see his face.

"No, I'm so damn confused. I need to get my thought process together, I can't think straight." He confessed.

"Oh, alright. But we're good?" She tried to clarify.

He lifted his head up, "Yea, I'm trying to see if— I don't know." He shook his head.

"I'm going to go say goodbye to a couple more people. Whatever you're trying say, tell me tomorrow at graduation, ok?" She rose from the picnic table.

"Yea, ok." He sighed.

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