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» "somebody as real as me, someone as sincere as me. That's what I'm afraid of. Don't you dare give [them] the same love..."


"I'm sooo tired. You can come to my house but I'm going to— "

"Uh, Bryson?" Both Bryson and Paris turned to see Mya standing there. Paris closed her locker and grabbed her books from Bryson.

"I'm going to head home. Just... hit me up later. Bye, Mya." She said, first to Bryson and then directed a small wave at Mya.

Bryson nodded and shifted his jaw calmly, waiting for her to speak. He was a bit turned off by his semi-rejection but was willing to hear her decision.

"So... I thought about it." She smiled small and proper herself up on her toes before placing her feet flat on the ground.

"Really?" Bryson sighed, adjusting his book bag as his 5'10 frame stood over her 5'4 one.

"I would love to go out with you, you know, if the offer is still on the table."

Bryson looked away, biting the corner of his lip before turning back to look at her with a smirk on his face.

"Yea, it is." He replied, "Uh, let's walk."

He and Mya started down the hallway and planned out their date. He felt comfortable talking to her— not nearly as comfortable as he did with Paris, but she wasn't Paris. He didn't expect her to be, at least that's what he was telling himself.

"I've never even heard of that place but if you want to go, we can go." Bryson reasoned. He didn't go out much, maybe an occasional party with DJ but other than that, he mostly chilled with Paris.

"Really? You have to get  out more, Mr. Tiller. That's not acceptable." She laughed, shaking her head.

"Well maybe you can start showing me more..." He smirked, making her blush slightly.

"Absolutely." She smiled.

Meanwhile, Paris had headed home all alone, listening to her headphones for the first time in a while.

It was the first time she realized how different her life would be if Bryson wasn't around. She figured that she'd probably have to get used to it if Mya and Bryson hit it off.

She searched for a flaw in Mya— she found many but realized that most of them were either things Bryson wouldn't pay attention to or also a flaw within herself.

Mya had no bad reputation, she wasn't that girl that everyone knew but she also had a lot of friends and was very sociable.

She was known most for being on the cheerleading team and having a nice smile.

From what Paris knew, Mya was pretty nice. She'd moved to the school a year prior, when they were juniors. As hard as Paris dug, she couldn't find a reason why it wouldn't work between Bryson and Mya.

She then felt a wave of guilt wash over her. Why was she searching for a reason for them not to work? Didn't Bryson say he'd been thinking about her?

Bryson doesn't see you that way, just get over it and be happy for him.

Paris surpassed several emotions of conflict as she walked him; first she annoyed, then mad, then a bit guilty and lastly, a rush of sadness flowed through her.

One of her biggest fears was that she'd be replaced, next to the fear of Bryson ever finding out she felt about him.

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