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» "Shawy keep telling me what to do about you, then she got jealous soon as she knew about you..."


It was Monday, back to school after a typical weekend. Bryson and Paris had spent Saturday together after she had spent the night at his house twice in a row; first they went to the mall, then to the park and talked about random things. On Sundays Bryson always went to church with his aunt and Paris went to her mom's old church every now and then. She skipped this Sunday, though, instead staying home and catching up on some sleep.

"Good morning." Bryson approached Paris at her locker, two sausage biscuits in his hands.

"Bryson, I've already talked to you like three times today." Paris reminded him, closing her locker.

It was true. At eight in the morning, they had already spoken to each other several times. Usually, when they weren't beside each other, they were on the phone with one another.

"Still..." He shrugged and handed her one of the food items he held.

"Thanks, Tiller." She smiled.

"Aye, I think I'm going to try to talk to Mya today." He informed her as if he had been thinking for a while.

Paris nodded slowly, taking a bite out of her biscuit, "I thought you said girls didn't understand you."

"Yea, but I figure they can get to understand me. I mean you did, so why not a girl who could potentially be my girlfriend?"

By now, Paris was a wonderful actress. She learned to seize all expose-potential emotions when Bryson said anything referring to her as someone he'd never even consider dating. It did hurt her feelings, but she knew he didn't mean it in that way and that he thought she was just as beautiful as the next girl— but she was just simply his best friend.

"Well good luck. Tell me how it goes, alright?" He nodded and they did their handshake before departing to go to their respective classes.

Bryson didn't see Mya until his second period, which they shared. He wasn't nervous, just a little surprised at himself. He'd never been in a serious relationship, not because the opportunity didn't present itself, but because he always felt like exterior was a bit misleading to the ladies.

He wore a bottom grill and resting mean mug that made most girls put him in association with 'bad boys', only to slightly disappoint them when they got to know his warm character. Even though his personality was quite admirable, for most girls it was picking something up expecting it to be 100 pounds and it turning out to only be a couple of ounces.

He decided to just stick with Paris being the only dose of estrogen he had, not physically, but mentally. She already knew the ends and outs of him and there was no energy to try to teach himself to anyone else.

Until now.

He hopped onto the bleachers and sat, pulling his gym shorts to his knees. A girl from the cheerleading team appeared on the step and he knew that Mya was close.

He wasn't completely sure of Mya's personality. They hadn't talked much but from what he knew, she was a respectable person.

She came and sat beside her friend on the bleachers, smiles and laughs filling the air as the gym grew more crowded.

He figured now was the perfect time, before everyone would have their nose in his business.

"Mya." He called calmly, causing both her and her friend to turn in his direction, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

She pushed hair behind her ear and nodded, rising for her spot to move and sit beside him.

"Hey, Bryson. What's up?" She asked politely. He wiped his hands over his face tiredly.

"How is your day going?"

"It's going good," She chuckled, "Thank you for asking."

He nodded and shrugged, "No problem, I just figure most dudes don't even ask how you're doing before they just jump to ask you out."

"You want to go out with me?" She asked, completely shocked.

"Is that surprising?" He laughed, amused by her reaction.

"No, I just thought— never mind. I'll get back to you, okay?" She said biting the inside of her lip.

Although it wasn't what he had expected, Bryson nodded. He didn't feel embarrassed by rejection— he didn't get rejected. But he wasn't assured with acceptance either.

Paris tried anything to get her mind off of Bryson through her first two periods but having Mya in her Chemistry class made it unavoidable.

As Paris focused on the board in front of her, her eyes focused but mind elsewhere, Mya waved a pencil trying to grab her attention. It took for someone tapping her shoulder for her to finally fall out of her daze.

"Paris, come sit over here." Mya whispered, pointing to the seat beside her. Being the they had spoke on maybe two other occasions during the year (currently May) Mya knew the topic of the fellowship was probably Bryson.

She quietly rose from her current seat and occupied the one beside Mya.

"Hey, what's going on?" She asked in a low voice.

"Hey, I know this is probably weird... Um, you and Bryson..." She questioned, leaving room for an answer.

"That's my best friend." Paris said, a bit of confusion rang in her voice.

"Just friends?" She asked.

"Well, every now and then we hook up or do little foreplay— " Mya's eyes grew wide and Paris broke out into a laugh.

"I'm joking, Mya. Yes, we are just friends. I know he talked to you today, you have nothing to worry about."

Mya let out a breath and thanked Paris. She got up and went back to her seat, feeling dead inside.

Have y'all heard Just Another Interlude? It's not where the quote is from but... 😩😍

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