Chaptr 6

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Lisa's POV
"So then what?", Traci asked.
"Then he asked if I wanted to see him again.... Meaning a date!", I yelled over the phone.
"OMG come home already!! Do you have any pictures to send?", Traci said.
"Go online and type in Shane", Lisa said.
"But I need his last name.....", said Traci.
"Trust me, you don't!", I said"The one with the YouTube channel is him!"
"Lisa, I wonder how many people are like 13 and watch his vids", Traci said laughing.
I started to laugh also. I got in my car because it was getting dark out and then drove home.
When I got home I took off my winter jacket and looked over to the couch where Traci had her laptop on her lap.
"I can't stop Lisa!", she said.
"He's amazing and hilarious!".
I sat down next to her and watched them with her.
At 9:30 I fell asleep because according to Traci,
I'm old.

Shane's POV
"Hey Shanley! So how do you know that girl?", my mom asked me while she was doing the dishes in the kitchen.
"It's a long story.."
"Do you like her?"
"Mom!" , I said sounding like a 5 year old.
"What? I think she likes you!", my mom said.
"Well I asked her on a date and she said yes so you may get to see her more often", I said.
"Shane!!!" She said smiling.
She ran over to me to hug me!
"I think she's an amazing girl and I just met her today!", my mom said.
Just getting my moms approval made me think about her more.
It was getting to late to call or text her which frustrated me but I just went to my old bed and slept on it dreaming about what our date would be.

You and Me Bud Shane Dawson (shisa) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now