Chapter 1

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Here I come, first day; well, I hope it is. I need so bad a scholarship so that way my parents wouldn't find out I spent almost all of my college savings partying.

Whatever; I'm moving to the room is gonna be mine whenever I get my scholarship. I'm carrying my suitcase as I enter my room; 425 says on the top.

"Is anyone here?" I shout don't wanting to visualize a sex college scene or God knows what.

"Hi!" a really energetic voice said "You must be Lauren"

Great! Happiness is my roommate. You know those people who are just so happy over everything that they become annoying? She's one of them I bet.

"Yeah, and you are....?" I fixed my hair trying to remember her name. Not a fucking idea to be honest.

"Ally" she pulled me into a hug suddenly. Why is a woman that tiny making it so hard for me to breath? I need some air. We must totally look right now as Snow White and Happy Dwarf, I fit in the role because of my pale skin and dark hair, there's no need to explain why she does.

"Didn't you read my email? Anyway I am so, so happy to meet you"

Yep, I could tell that Miss Ray of Sunshine. "Nope, sorry" It must automatically delete itself, or kill itself, or whatever. "Nice to meet you too" I guessed I should be polite.

"Anyway I might not be here for long. Maybe they kick me out" I said.

"Oh no, why??" She looked concerned. I bet she goes to church. I actually bet all the money I have left she does.

"I might not get a" I shrugged.

"Noo! you are studying Music as I do, right?" She asked and I simply nodded.

"You're gonna get it. I'm going to be in the first row cheering for you in your audition" She smiled at me.

"Like if it was the X Factor" We both say in unison. We laughed.

"Can't believe we say that at the same time" We continued laughing and I looked for the first time straight into her chocolate eyes. I guess she's not that bad.

"Do you have anything I can help you with? Any boxes?" She asked.

"No offense, but regular boxes are bigger than you" I pointed out

"Everything is bigger than me" She giggled. "I can call the neighbors"

"Neighbors???" I asked. She walked towards the other door that was in the room and knocked.

"Open it!!!" A voice from across the door shouted.

What? So now we have a door that communicates with the neighbors' room? Weird.

Ally opened the door and a tan girl was lying on his bed. I could tell she was tall even though she was lying down.

"What's up???" She said

"Is that Lauren??" Another voice shouted till she was on my sight. She was a beautiful Afro-american girl.

"Who else did you talk about me? Your parents?....this is creepy" I said to Ally giggling.

"C'mon, we have a new neighbor that's news she had to share" The second girl said.

"I don't wanna ask what happened to the previous one" Honestly I could see why Ally would have no roommates.

"We don't know, we are both freshman, we just settle a week ago" The tall girl said.

Ally introduced us. The tall girl was named Dinah Jane, and the other one Normani; to be honest they seemed cooler than Ally.

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