Chapter 6

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"I wake up, flawless..." Someone entered our room, well I mean, my former room, singing Beyoncé. It must be the neighbors.

I opened one eye to verify my thoughts and here they are, Normani and Dinah singing and dancing to Beyoncé's song followed by Camila holding the speaker.

I wanted to throw a pillow at them but I decided to bury my head under it instead. Why are they all so loud?

"Shhhhh! Guys, Lauren is sleeping" That was Ally's sweet voice. Does that mean she doesn't hate me?

"What is she doing here anyway? Thought you were alone. Last time I heard she told you the f word" Normani seemed surprised.

"How do you....? Ally asked.

"Well, that was really loud girl...." Camila added explaining how they knew what I said.

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Now I'm saying that to you Lauren, hear me?  Yep I'm so stupid that I'm talking to myself but since they heard it Ally is probably gonna feel worse, and that's the last thing I want.

"They kissed and made up. I told you there's something going on between those two" Dinah mumbled but she wasn't as whispery as she meant to be.

"Though they are sleeping in separate beds, this is confusing me" Dinah added.

"DJ the three of us slept together last night and we are not a thing" Camila said while laughing.

"Excuse me, can you all stop talking about my life? You don't even know me" I just blurted out. I can't bite my tongue. They all hate me and I don't fucking care, but I don't want Ally to hate me.

"Well, you didn't even knew Ally when you decided you were too good for her" Normani said with sass.

"Mani....don't" Ally tried to calm things down.

"Shut the fuck up!!! Would you? Mind your own business" I replied sitting up in my bed and raising up my tone of voice. I am getting really pissed.

"The nerve you have girl, you are so freaking rude" Normani gave me a comeback.

"Girls!!!" Ally shouted energetically. I've never seen her like that before. "Both of you stop it, now!"

She sounded so serious and neither of us even tried to reply.

"Normani I know you are trying to defend me and I appreciate it, but this is something I gotta solve on my own"

Great! So now Holy Normani  is the good one in this story. I know I'm being childish but it bothers me.

"Would you guys please leave us two alone? I'll join y'all later" Ally said to them. "Camila I'm sorry for all of this, could you please hung on a little more, honey?" Ally asked her as kind as she usually is.

"I guess, don't worry girls. This seems important" Camila said sympathetically. See, that's the attitude not Normani's; though I'll have to get pass the fact that she stole my room. Well she didn't, but still.

Dinah grabbed Normani by the shoulders and guided her to their room's door and Camila went after them.

I pulled my hair backwards and sighed as I watched them leaving.

Ally stood up and I avoided her look. I usually confront situations without any problem, but this is different, she  is different.

"Well... morning" She giggled while standing next to my bed. "How you feeling?" She just did it; she gently rested her hand on my cheek. Did she already forgive me? My eyes widened, I couldn't comprehend the whole situation.

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