Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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"I'm sorry Lauren but this time I'm not leaving. You are not calling the shots anymore" Ally said crossing her arms angrily.

"And you are?" I said sarcastically "Don't make me laugh" I rolled my eyes at her.

"I'm not afraid of you" She said with sass. Wow! such a turn on. Never seen her like that.

I accepted the challenge and gave her both of my thumbs up like if I was congratulating her for not being afraid, haaa.

"I'm not dealing with your crap anymore...You're not going to get away with yelling at me in my face" Ally sounded definitely serious.

"Don't worry, your God will punish me for being a bad girl; I'm such a blasphemous, get away from me before you burn, Allysus!!!" I yelled lifting my arms up. I'm the queen of sarcasm she's not gonna win me at that.

"Shut up! Ok, Lauren?...just cut it out, here" She demanded. "What did I say that was so bad and got you this angry?"

"Oh, my friend, you know very well what you said" I said with cockiness.

"Yes, I know....and I don't think is that bad. Why do you even care, Lauren? I'm Ok with gay people...I just said I would never be gay, because I'm straight that's all" She tried to explain herself.

"You're such a hypocrite. You are not Ok at all. You should get away from those sinful people...." I gave her a glare.

"What are you talking about? Don't make up stuff" She was outraged "What's wrong? Why do you hate me so much lately, I don't get it" Ally sounded desperate.

"Oh, stop playing the victim, I don't hate you" I rolled my eyes at her.

"You are always fighting me because of what I think....It's like you always try to pick up a fight" She whined.

"Well, excuse me if I can't deal with your old-fashioned mind. We are in the 21st century girl, wake up!" I said raising my tone up.

"You are twisting everything, besides I thought that wasn't a problem. We used to focus in what make us similar not different" I can tell Ally is upset.

"News flash... I can't, your attitude bothers me" I fake smiled at her.

"So do yours to me. And I deal with it, and stay by your side no matter how bad you mess it up, but still you try me to get away from you. It's that what you want?" She opened her arms claiming for an answer but I just reminded quiet. Obviously I don't want Ally away from me, but I can give her what she wants, I can't let her win.

She took a deep sigh and spoke up again "Are you trying to hurt me? I'm sorry if we don't think alike. I grew up been taught different, I am Ok if people want to be homosexual it's none of my business...I just said I'm not...and I don't think that's for me"

"Why? Because you are so much better than that? I bet in your Church you pray to cure homosexuals" I just can't believe her.

"I don't follow every single thing my Church says. Gosh, Lauren! can you simply understand that just because I don't go into LGBT demonstrations doesn't mean I hate them. Why you have to make everything personal?" Ally said looking into my eyes. No response this time around. I took my sight away from her instead.

"Is there anything you haven't told me? I mean, you seem so affected about that why you are so angry lately....cause I will always support you..." Ally said hinting the fact that I could be gay and that was the reason I was so affected about it.

"Oh, yeah...You got me, I am gay....and I'm in love with you..." I said with a sarcastic tone; when in reality there's not a trace of sarcasm at all in that statement, but hopefully she will buy it.

"It's call human rights...that's why I get passionate about it...I want equality!" I stated crossing my arms.

"And that's great...but it doesn't have anything to do with what I said, there's nothing wrong with it" She defended herself once more.

"I think it is. Why do you shut the door? Have you ever been with a girl? NO. You don't know if one day it will happen, period." I said with sass.

"I know I like boys" Ally assured.

"You've been taught that. Why people do label their sexuality? Really? you think there's no way in this world you would feel something romantic or sexual for a girl?" I asked her knowing what her answer was gonna be, but still I wanted to hear it from her.

"I don't think so....and you need to respect that"

"I get you don't do sex and stuff...but sex is will enjoy it anyway" I raised my eyebrow at her wanting to make her nervous.

"Can we not talk about that?" Ally said uncomfortable.

"Ok, and what about falling for someone. Love is love, it doesn't understand from genders or stupid preconceived ideas. You fall for the person, not for the gender" I said passionately and had the impulse to stand up.

"I don't think so, Lauren. I think you know if you like boys, or girls, or both...and that's it" Ally replied.

"Why are you so sure? You are sure you would never be able to feel something with a girl" I took a few steps closer to her to see the look on her face, her reactions.

"Nothing more than a friendship"

"You are saying...that if you had your eyes closed, and a girl kisses you, you would automatically know it is a girl and you will not like it, at zero...right?" I asked Ally looking straight into her eyes wanting to break her walls down.

"Whatever, who cares, Lauren..." Ally sighed.

"You will never ever like a girls' kiss, right?"

"Right" She assured annoyed.

I was looking right into her eyes, and I couldn't believe a word she said. Maybe I'm in denial, maybe I just don't wanna believe her cause that would crush any hopes I had left.

I zoomed in her lips. God!, they are beautiful, just like every little piece of her. How would it be to feel them in mine? Fuck it!

I grabbed Ally by her waist and pulled her into the room closer to me. She looked up and met my eyes confused. I cupped her cheek gently with my hand, I still don't want her to be afraid of me; and without leaving her any chance to back up I leaned in a pressed my lips against hers lovingly. They were soft and tender and I could feel my heart beat fast in excitement; it was like one of those cheesy movies where the lead character feels butterflies the first time they kiss their loved one.

I deepened the kiss a little more, tasting Ally's lips for the first time. Though I pulled her against me and I must admit our discussion was hot and a turn on, I didn't want to scare her, so I decided to explore her lips softly and delicately. I wanted to show her how girls' love kisses are. I wanted Ally to feel flattered and loved like never before.

~Heyy lovely people!!! So that's it for now.

I know, fucking finally!!!

Y'all deserve an award for being the most patient readers ever, and also the best and most supportive.

I think I'm happy in how it turned out. The chapter, and the story so far. I think most of you are getting the point of everything, and understanding every layer in this story. So that's something I feel proud of. In this one I wanted to built up everything leading to this ending.

The idea of the book came to me when I imagined this chapter. Fun fact, 15th part 1 was the very first chapter ever written in this book ;)

We finally got where I wanted! Yaayy!! And know what?? You tell me, because I don't have any idea looool. I mean, I have some stuff in mind but it's not as clear as it was when I wanted to reach here.

Say what you want, Wattpad is a free country, or Universe or whatever loool. I'll gladly read your thoughts, opinions or suggestions.

You are all the best!!! I love youuu, my little Alren babies <333 I can't wait to read all of your reactions! I'm super excited :D

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