First Day of Truly Living

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I walked through the musty halls. Guards were lined up against the walls. I had felt small ever since I had entered the creepy castle. But I can't just give up now, my whole future depends on this. This is a fresh start. A new beginning.

I looked at the signs hung up on the wet walls until I came to a sign that read, 'maid service,' perfect. I followed to where the arrows pointed and climbed up the staircase. Chatter filled the space around me until I came up on a room full of women in black. There was a large variation of ages. I looked down at the wrinkled envelope in my hand. A girl with bright red hair and doe-like chocolate eyes took notice of me and came to my aide. "Hi, you look lost. May I help you?" My mind went blank for a second.

"Uh, yes thank you, I have this letter for Madame Gatsby?"

"Ah, yes, come for a job?"


"Very well, right this way." She led me past the bustling of all the maids and down a well-lighted hallway. We came to a big oak door. "Stay here and I'll announce you." she said. I nodded my understanding.

She knocked, "come in," said a bored, tired voice.

She opened the door a little. "Madame, a new maid is here."

"Oh yes, let her in, let her in." The maid motioned for me to head in.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," she replied. Inside the room was the oldest woman I had ever seen. And that's saying something. In the Rumples, there are more old than young. The old lady had wrinkles all over her face so she looked like a dried out apple. She also had a huge nose with a big wart sitting on top of it. Her eyes swept over me.

"Hmm...Turn around."She ordered.

"Excuse me?"

"I said turn around!" I followed her order and did as she said. "I guess you will do, not that pretty, which is good. Keeps the guards out of your hair." I was thankful and hurt at the same time. I didn't even think feeling both of those emotions at the same time was possible until now.

"Uh...Thank you?"

"No need to thank me. Mirabelle!" The maid that had helped me earlier poked her head in.

"Yes, Madame Gatsby?"

"Help this young lady here. What was your name again?" She said turning towards me.


"Yes, help Emeline here get to her room, then show here around the castle and tell her about our expectations and rules."

"Yes, mistress. Come, follow me Emeline." I followed Mirabelle up more flights of stairs and came to a long, straight hallway with doors leading off of it. She walked until we came to a door with 'W103' on the front of it. She opened the door and led me in. "This is where you will sleep and prepare for the day. This," she said pointing towards a worn down bed in the corner of the room,"Is your bed. Just set your stuff under your bed and get into your uniform which should be in your wardrobe. I'll check on you in five minutes or so." She walked out of the room, leaving me alone in the quiet room. About thirty seconds later she poked her head back in."Oh, and put your hair into a tight lower bun." And she left once again.

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