A Year Later

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I slowly walked down the hall I had only just walked through a year earlier. Only an hour earlier I had gotten a note saying to report to Madame Gatsby's office during dinner. I had decided to come here before eating (a choice I am now regretting). I stood right before the great oak door, my breathing started to speed up. I took a few deep breaths and knocked on the door. "Yes? Who's there?" Came the old lady's voice. 

"It's Emeline, you wanted to talk to me?" I replied, trying to remain calm.

"Yes, yes, come in." She beckoned. I stepped into her office, it looked exactly like before, with just a desk, a chair behind the desk (that she now occupied), and a chair facing her. Except this time, there is a lot more clutter. "Sit down, I have some very important business to discuss. And calm down, I'm not firing you." I breathed A sigh of relief."Unless of course you did something bad?" She asked looking up at me. 

"No, Madame," I replied. 

"Good. Now, you have been here for a year, yes?" 


"The Prince's Fiancee needs some ladies in waiting. You have been one of the few recommended. You don't have to take the job upgrade if it is too much presser. Seeing as, you have only been here for a year. Though I must tell you, you will get better living quarters, uniform, and a better pay grade. Do you accept?" I was stunned, my family did need the money plus, I had found out that my room got really cold in the winter time. I could barely contain a squeal of excitement. 

Instead of squealing all I said was,"thank you for the offer, I accept it." 

Madame Gatsby excused me from the room to go eat after telling me my new schedule and when I was to begin. I had never met royalty and could not wait to see what my future queen was going to look like. I was practically skipping on my way to the eating area when I bumped into a hard surface. I fell down and tried to keep the stars out of my vision. "Ow, Stupid walls, their always in my way. " I said to no one in particular. 

"Well, I'm not usually called a wall, but thank you." Came a voice from in front of me. I had been so busy not fainting that I had not noticed someone standing before me. 

I opened my eyes and found myself staring at two brown leather boots. The person offered his (no women wore those kind of boots) hand and helped pull me up onto my feet. I quickly dusted myself off. "I'm so sorry! It's all my fault, I should have watched where I was going, I was just so happy because...um." I cursed myself. You could've just said sorry and walked away! Why? Why, are you so stupid! 

The man chuckled,"It's alright, I should have watched where I was going too." 

His voice was full of humor and amusement, as if he was barely containing his laughter at my terrible performance. Don't look up, don't look up! I looked up. I came face-to-face with a pair of the most bluest pair of eyes I had ever seen. Not only had I ran into a man, I had ran into a handsome man. A very handsome man. 

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