The future Queen

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     Once we got into a straight line, Madame Cedane assessed us. Then she stood in front of us, straight and firm, but I could see her hands shaking. I heard footsteps coming toward us. We all turned to see who it was. There were four guards marching at the same time. And in the middle was our future Queen. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She had fair skin, green eyes, and blonde hair. She was wearing a cream colored dress with a sensible trail. She barely wore any jewelry. She walked with grace and ease. She was the perfect image for the future Queen. And I was to be one of her ladies in Waiting.

     We all stood watching as our future mistress walked toward us with a grace and charm that we could never imagine to have. I barely noticed or recognized that she was standing in front of us until she excused her guards. 

     "Hello, I am Princess Millicent of Wedgemore, I would love for us to become great friends and get to know each other better. However, to keep away from any chaos I must establish some rules." Princess Millicent carefully chose her words. "First, if there are any physical fights between two Ladies in Waiting, I will have no choice but to expel both of them from the job. Second, if two of you have a problem working together, please work it out as soon as possible. And third, please try to be on time and ready for your job every morning. If you do not obey these rules there will be consequences. Are we all clear?"

      She spoke with so much authority that we all nodded, speechless. "Okay, then, you are all dismissed to get to know each other more and get settled into your quarters." Princess Millicent nodded goodbye and walked down the hall.

     "Okay girls, you heard the Princess, your are all to spend the rest of the day enjoying each others company," Madame Cedane said,"Now, follow me back into your quarters." All of us turned in a straight line and followed Madame Cedane down the levels of the castle and to our quarters once more. Once we arrived at our quarters Madame Cedane gave us a slip of paper telling us our schedule. And then we were dismissed. 

     "Hey! Emeline! I didn't know you were a lady in Waiting too!" I turned towards Mirabelle who was walking towards me. " I didn't know you were either," Mirabelle pulled me into a hug. "When I saw that all of our friends were Ladies in Waiting, I was so worried that you would be all alone as a maid!" I smiled, Mirabelle was so thoughtful at times.

    "Now, we all have to get together and have a makeover night!" Mirabelle smiled and pulled me towards her quarters."And everyone will be invited! It's the perfect opportunity to get to know everyone! Don't you think?"

     "Yeah, perfect opportunity," I said agreeing, although dreading it. Mirabelle was always seeking to make new friends.

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