The Working of Clothes

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Just like promised, Mirabelle came to check on me five minutes later. "Ready?"

 "I think so."

"Good, let's get started on our tour." With my new clothes on, I blended in more, no one even noticed me, though, once in awhile another maid would wave at Mirabelle. As we walked, Mirabelle pointed where I would wash the clothes, dry the clothes, hang the clothes, and where to fold the clothes. I pretty much figured that my job had everything to do with clothes. 

Once she had shown me all around the maid's service level (apparently there were more than 5 levels in the castle. My whole life I had only thought one level houses were possible). She started to brief me on the rules and expectations at the maid service. 

"Your are always to be on time, you are not to go to any other levels of the castle unless your are either ordered to or your job requires you to. You are not to talk to any higher leveled maids unless they ask you a question or talk to your first. Your uniform is to be washed at least once a week, unless you spill something on it, then wash it that day. You may not be in a relationship with any guards, knights, or any other employee in the castle. In your free time you may do whatever you want. Most importantly, you are not to speak to ANY of the royal family unless asked a question or you are ordered to speak. Any questions?"

My aunt Juda had already briefed me on all of the rules and expectations before sending me off. And on my travel here I had memorized all of them. "Yes, I understand."

"So, for your first day, you will follow me around while I do my job, which will be alot like yours, and see how I do things. Is that okay?"


"Okay then, let's get started."

I followed Mirabelle as she ironed and folded the royal families clothes. I just stared at the intricate details on the coats and shirts. They were the prettiest clothes I had ever seen, and probably the most expensive. She taught me how to fold them the right way, and handed the clothes to another maid who was dressed in more presentable clothes than both of us. "Why give them to her? Why not just take them up yourself?" I asked. 

"We are the Below maids. Only the High maids are allowed to enter the other levels of the castle." She continued folding, but the clothes were less fine looking. Probably other maids or workers of the castle clothes. 

 Later, we walked down a staircase, holding piles of clothes that were folded and pressed. "Unlike the royal families clothes, the clothes for the workers are delivered by whoever into their rooms. We only deliver the workers clothes while they are at dinner. It is improper to deliver their clothes any earlier seeing as they may be in their room. And if you do, there is a high chance you will be fired." She said while carefully stepping down.

"Why? Isn't being ahead of your work good?" I asked. 

 "Well, yes, It's just... All the workers are men, you see, and to be alone in a room with them is against the rules, so to speak. You can deliver the maids and cooks clothes early, since they are all women, but otherwise, try not to be too early delivering clothes."

"What happens if a worker is sick and you deliver his clothes? Or they are not hungry and stay in their rooms for dinner?"

"The workers are required to switch their signs on their doors to 'deliver clothes' before they leave. If the sign on the door does not say that, then you simply skip that room and continue delivering. Now, I will demonstrate." We had reached the bottom of the stairs. Which led to a long hall that looked much like the one I had passed on my way to meet the old lady. Mirabelle walked towards the front door. And just liked promised the sign on the door had been switched to say 'deliver clothes.' She opened the door and led the way in. 

The room inside was musty and dark. The only source of light was a small opening  on the right side of the room. I suspect it is a window, though it was much too small to be a very useful one. There were only two old beds that didn't look like they could even hold a cat, much less a man. There was only a sink on a table in the middle of the room. There were no chairs and only one small carpet for decoration. 

"While dropping off the clothes, you must also make their beds, it is standard procedure." I nodded and started helping her make the beds before setting a small pile of clothes on each bed. "Now, to the next room." All the other rooms were just like the first one. Two or three of the rooms did not have the sign switched and we skipped them and continued on. After what seemed forever of making beds and dropping of clothes, we went back up the stairs into the clothe care level. "Well, all in a days work, you did good. I'll let you retire early to take a rest and maybe take a bath." Mirabelle said turning to me. 

I almost sighed with relief, but kept it in. "Thank you."

 I started walking away when Mirabelle yelled,"and get some sleep for heavens sake!" I laughed and walked towards my new bed in my new room. 

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