Chapter 1

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Chapter One

Beep beep beep !

" What the f*ck !" Cheryl mumbled, opening one eye she gazed around her room. Eventually managing, she opened the other and sat up, the annoying noise still ringing in her ears. " Gillian ?" she asked whilst looking over at her sisters bed, only to find she wasn't there. " F*ckin' hell !"

It wasn't until she had made her way downstairs and into the living room that she noticed the large storage van outside, alarm bells going off in her head. " New neighbours," she mumbled, becoming very suspicious.

" Aye," she heard. Turning round she saw her brother Andrew standing. " I've saw one lass and she's well fit !"

" Alright . . . Is it just her moving in ?" The Geordie asked, still gazing out the window.

" Nah don't think so. Garry said he saw another two girls, a guy around your age and there mam and dad." Andrew replied before flinging himself down on the sofa. " Mam's made you breakfast."

Annoyed that she hadn't yet caught a glimpes, Cheryl made her way to the kitchen, where her mum and sister where sitting at the table. " Mornin' babe !" her mum Joan smiled.

" Alright." she sighed. Sitting down opposite her sister, she began eating the beans on toast her mum had plonked down.

" You saw the new neighbours pet ?"

" Nah just the van parked outside. Have you ?" she asked while shoving a spoonful of food in her mouth.

" I have !" Gillian butted in. " And the sons a stunner. You'd like him Cheryl."

Rolling her eyes, the brunette couldn't help but giggle. " I'll need to have a look then," she winked.

" Aye Cheryl, I was talking to the mam earlier. Their from Bradford. They had to move here because of the dads job or something like that. She seemed really nice." Joan said, answering the girls question.

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