Chapter 6

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Chapter Six

After shutting the door over and locking it, both girls made their way next door.

" I bet you me mams steamin' !" Cheryl laughed.

The other girl thought back to before she had left the little party, and how Joan was dancing to one of her brothers favourite rap songs. " Yeah . . . she was pretty much wasted before I left."

" Aww f*ck . . .  imagen what she'll be like now !?"

Kimberley giggled, dropping her phone in the process. " Sh*t !" Bending over, she struggled to pick it up as the effects of the alcohol began to work its magic.

" Were you drinkin' before you came over ?" the brunette asked, while taking a good look at the girls bum. ' What the f*ck am I doing !' she thought, but still she didn't look away.

" Yeah, not much though. I must be turning into a lightweight !" Kimberley replied, examining her phone. " Aww f*ckin' hell !"

Looking over, Cheryl instantly saw the large crack on the girls screen. " Well thats a bit pish !" she tutted.

" Brand new phone aswell !" the older girl more or less shouted.


The girls stood outside for a few more minutes, while Cheryl had a cigarette before joining the little gathering in the Walsh household. The Geordie greeted all of Kimberley's family first and then turned to her own, who were all more than drunk.

" Hey pet !" Joan winked excitedly, while dancing next to her daughter. " I'm glad you decided to come, I knew Kimberley would be able to convince you. She's such a lovely girl . .  so she is !"

" Fukin' hell mam ! How much have you had to drink ?" Cheryl replied, while shaking off her mums hand which had been placed on her arm, trying to get her to dance. " I can smell if off ya !" she then laughed.

" Aww leave her alone," Kimberley's mum, Diane laughed while joining in her on the homemade dancefloor. " She's having a good time."

The small brunette laughed. Looking around she located Gillian and began making her way over. " You alright ?" she asked.

" Aye." she slurred back. Taking her little sisters hand, Gillian smiled. " You feeling better now ?"

" Aye thanks. God am I the only one not drunk ?" Cheryl sighed as she looked over at her brothers who were sitting chatting to Kimberley's two sisters. ' Even they look drunk !' she thought to herself. Shouting over the loud music she then asked " Do you know where Kimberley went ?" causing her sister to shrug.

" Try her room dear." her dad answered as he made his way down down the stairs.

" Ok thanks."

Makine her way upstairs, Cheryl admired the nicely decorated walls and polished wooden floor. " Kimberley ?" she asked as she chapped the girly looking door.

" Yeah come in !" came the reply.

Opening the door she walked in. She watched as the other girl rummaged throught a bright pink drawer. " What you lookin' for ?"

" My old phone," a frustrated Kimberley said, sounding very annoyed.

After closing the door, Cheryl walked over to one of the single beds and plonked herself down. " Havin' a wee party of your own ?" she asked when she spied the half full vodka bottle.

" Hmm ?" the older girl asked.

" The bottle of vodka." the Geordie clarified.

Eventually Kimberley pulled her old, pink phone from the drawer and inspected it. " Yeah . . . you want some ?" she asked, still with the device in her hand.

Cheryl watched as the older girl took her sim card from the broken phone and transferred it to the other one. " Aye." she answered.

" Ok . . . I'll be back in a sec, going to get a couple of glasses and something to mix it with."


" So does your mum know you drink ?" Kimberley asked as she lay on the bed that was situated on the opposite side of the room.

" Aye . . . she doesn't do anythin' to stop me though." Cheryl had often wondered why her mum didn't fuss about stuff like that.

Lifting the glass to her lips, Kimberley took a drink before asking . . . " How old are you then ? I gathered you don't go to school so you must be at least 16."

" Yeah am 16, but I'll be 17 in a few weeks. How do you know I don't go to school ?"

" Adam told me. I think he likes you." Kimberley laughed, watching the girls cheeks turn a dark shade of red. " Why you so embarrassed, from what I've heard the guys seem to like you . . . and you seem to like the guys." she then said while laughing.

" Who doesn't like a bit of cock ?" Cheryl shrugged, as if it was no big deal. She watched as Kimberley nodded in agreement.

Struggling the older girl rolled off the bed and stood at the window, where she had placed her old phone, which she had put on charge. " Ooh my god ! Look !" she said pointing out the window and laughing.

Quickly Cheryl sat up and got off the bed, ignoring the sicky feeling building within her. " F*ckin' hell," she laughed as she spied the two figures at the end of the garden snogging the faces off each other. " Well looks like our Garry and your Amy are a wee couple then !" Cheryl howled finding the whole situation funnier than prehaps she should of, courtesy of the alcohol.

Suddenly Kimberley lost her footing, stumbling backwards she bumped into Cheryl, who fell with a thump onto the wooden floor. She didn't get much to to correct herself as the weight of the older girl crashed down ontop of her.

" Arghh . . . for f*ck sak !" she yelled, but soon found the funny side and burst out laughing.

Kimberley pushed herself up so she was hovering over the Geordie, she also found herself laughing as she looked down and noticed the girls infectious smile, and cute dimples. " Ooh god . . . I'm so sorry." Apologizing she pulled back more.

Sensing the girl was about to get up, Cheryl quickly leant forward and pushed her lips against Kimberley's. She honestly didn't know why she done it, but one thing she was sure of was  . . . it felt right. To the brunettes surprise she felt Kimberley kiss her back with a passion that matched her own. Although they where drunk, they kissed slowly and tenderly. Reaching up, Cheryl cupped the girls cheeks before parting her lips a little and licking Kimberley's bottom lip, almost begging for entrance. The older woman moaned silently as she granted the girls silent request, parting her own lips, just enough for the Geordies tongue to enter. Both girls took turns exploring each others mouth, moans could be heard when either of them done something the other liked. Wanting as much contact as possible, Cheryl pulled Kimberley down on top of her, her hands immediately falling onto the girls bum. " I love your arse !" she sighed breathlessly into the girls mouth. As the girl spoke these words, Kimberley found she had easier access to the brunettes mouth, taking the opportunity she took her tongue between her plump lips and began sucking gently. If she had any doubt in her mind that the girl was enoying it they soon disappeared she she felt the hands on her bum grip tighter, and a pair of legs being wrapped around the top of her thighs, pulling her down harder.

" Cheryl ?" they heard Kimberley's mum call, instantly they broke apart.

" Yeah ?" she called back, as she struggled to contain her unsteady breathing.

" Your mums going home darling . . . Are you going with her or do you want to stay over ?"

Looking up, Cheryl saw the older girl staring down at her, her gorgeous blue eyes almost pleading with her to stay. " I'll be down in a minute Diane !"

" Ok dokey."

Kimberley stood up once the Geordie had upwrapped her legs from around her. " Please stay ?" she asked while taking hold of the girls hands and helping her up.

" I can't there's nowhere for me to sleep." Cheryl sighed back, feeling guilty and a bit gutted.

" You can sleep in my bed."

The younger girl watched as Kimberley stepped towards her, still gripping at her hands. " We both know thats not a good idea."

" Why ? Nothing will happen . . . if you don't want it to."

Pulling her hands away from the tight grip, Cheryl gave her a quick kiss. " I'll see you tomorrow," she winked as she reached the door and disappeared out of it.

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