Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Walking into the living room the next morning, Cheryl laughed as she saw her mum lying on the sofa, her head in her hands. " Mornin' alki . . . hangover ?" she smirked.

" Mmm . . . "  came the reply. Glacing up Joan tried to smile, but failed terribly. " Go and make yer old mam a cuppa pet . . . please."

" Aye alright, but am not slaving after you all day."

" Awk but it's only you thats . . . "

" Because that ! " Cheryl interrupted, pointing to how terrible her mother looked. " Is all your doin' !" she continued and then walked out of the room before her mum had a chance to respond.

After making her mum a cup of tea and a few pieces of toast, Cheryl made her way back upstairs to get ready. Once clean and dressed in her shorts and bikini top, she decided to make her bed and tidy up the room she shared with Gillian, but deliberately she left her sisters bed unmade, as she refused point blank to make it. Wanting to let some fresh air in, she walked over to the window and was about to open it, when she noticed Kimberley spread out in the grass once more. She smiled to herself at how gorgeous the girl looked.

" Alright ?" she called as she opened the window and hung her upper body out.

" Hey !" Kimberley said while sitting up so she could see the girl better. " You ok ?"

Cheryl smiled, showing off her cute little dimples. " I've got that biggest bruise on my arse, but apart from that . . .  aye amazing thanks." she said, rather shyly. " What about you ?"

Kimberley laughed, picturing the night before as she did so. " Yeah am good." she replied, but soon looked away when she heard her phone go. Looking up at Geordie she smiled. " Two minutes."

Nodding her head, Cheryl stood, listing to the girls conversion.

" Heyy . . . aww hi Sarah . . . erm just in my garden . . . yeah sunbathing haha ! . . . yeah a can do that for you . . . ok bye . . . see ya soon !"

" Where you off to then ?" Cheryl asked once Kimberley had hung up.

The older girl could her the disappointment in her voice and to be honest it actually made her feel quite good. " Sarah's . . . she needs some help with the course work." Getting up, Kimberley stood, dusting off all the grass, knowing Cheryl would be watching her. " See you later then," she said before disappearing off inside.


" Hey fat arse !"

Looking up, Cheryl saw who Nicola was talking to walk down the street towards her house.

Bitting her tongue, Kimberley gazed over and smiled at the redhead. " Hey," then she looked towards her friend. " Hey Cheryl," who in turn ignored her and looked away. Feeling confused and hurt, Kimberley walked off and into the garden, as that was the only door she had a key for.

" I'm goin' to the toliet." Cheryl said getting up quickly. She ran through the house, out into her garden, and over the fence. Running round, she caught Kimberley at the side of her house. " Hey . . . what's wrong ?" she asked as she saw the girl crying.

" Get the f*ck away from me ! I don't understand you Cheryl !" The girl said back, calmly through her sobs.

Knowing what had upset the her, Cheryl walked slowly towards her. " I'm sorry," she said. Reaching her hand out, she wiped away Kimberley's tears.

" What do you want from me ?" the girl asked weakly as she sucomed to Cheryl's gentle touch.

Confidently, the Geordie moved closer, pushing Kimberley against the wall behind. " Everything," she said while hovering her face inches from the girls.

" What ?" Kimberley asked, feeling Cheryl's hot breath on her lips.

Taking the girls bottom lip between her teeth, Cheryl tugged it a little before licking a path around her quivering mouth. " I want everything from you Kimberley," she eventually answered, before kissing her forcefully.

The older girl moaned as Cheryl took hold of her hands and pushed them up against the wall above her head. She then continued to kiss a path from Kimberley's mouth all the down her neck, stopping at her coller bone, she kissed it gently before popping her head back up to claim the girls lips once more. There tongues battled hard, trying to justify just how much they wanted each other. Suddenly the pace of the kiss changed, as Cheryl let go of the girls hands, which Kimberley took advantage of and ran them down the Geordies back, before resting them on her small, firm bum. Cheryl gasped as Kimberley turned her round, more or less swapping positions, while placing her knee between her shaky thighs. They began kissing slowly, as the Geordie enjoyed the relatively soft pressure being applied between her legs.

" We can't do this here." Kimberley mumbled in between kisses, as she felt the Geordie begin to grind harder against her thigh.

Cheryl shut her eyes, pulling away. " But I want to," she said, feeling the wetness escalate rapidly between her legs.

" Not here," the older girl sighed, while finding it very difficult to resist.

The Geordie ran her hands down the length of Kimberley's body, breify touching over the swell of her breasts, and then down to her hips. " But . . . " she started.

" Is this how you want it to happen ?" Kimberley cut in, throwing her head back. " In in my garden, up against a wall ?"

Realising Kimberley was infact right, Cheryl stopped. " Ok . . . your right. Sorry."

The older girl smiled, pulling her leg away. " God you must be horny," she giggled whilst looking at the small damp patch on her jeans. Looking back up she saw Cheryl blushing. " And don't be sorry babe." Leaning forward she kissed the girls head tenderly.

The Geordie smiled. " They'll think I've fell doon the toliet !"

" Is that what you told them . . . you where goin' to the toliet ?" Kimberley giggled.

" Aye . . . I'll just say a made sumin' to eat."

The girls shared one last kiss before going there separate ways, Cheryl away back to her friends, and Kimberley away indoors . . . a certain Geordie stuck in her mind.

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