Chapter 10

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Chapter Ten - Ok so maybe the long update will be next lol x

Kimberley could feel the pain surging through her body. A lump formed in her throat, the tears soon followed. " Why ?" she sobbed.

" We have to honey. You knew before we moved here it was a possibility," her mum replied feeling terrible; she knew how much Kimberley liked it in Newcastle, and the bond she had formed with Cheryl was very obvious to Diane.

" But why can't dad just say no . . . why . .?" the girl asked, her crying had got unbelievably heavy, making it hard to talk or understand.

Seeing her daughter so disdressed was definitely not what Diane was expecting. Moving closer she wrapped her arms around the girl. " We can't . . . it's not that simple," was all she said.

Kimberley lay numb in her mums embrace, thinking about the previous week she had experienced, the best week of her life. It had become a little routine for her. After college she would go home, get changed, and then head straight over to Cheryl's. As soon as she stepped foot inside they would be tearing each others clothes off, knowing they didn't have alot of time.

" Have you told the others ?" Kimberley asked while pulling back and trying to wipe away the tears.

" Sally is the only one that knows. I'll tell Adam and Amy when they get in from school." Diane watched as her daughter nodded. " What are you thinking about ?"

" Whether I should go and tell Cheryl before she finds out from someone else." Kimberley trailed off.

Diane took hold of her daughters hand. " Well you're better friends with her . . . so maybe it would be better if she heard it from you."


After changing from the jeans she wore to college into a new pair; Kimberley made her way next door. As usual the door swung open before she even got a chance to knock it, and she was pulled inside.

" I missed you so much," Cheryl said lovingly before attacking the girls lips with her own.

" Cheryl ?" Kimberley mumbled as she felt herself being pushed up against the wall. " Cheryl," she tried once more, realising the girl was to caught up in kissing her.

" What ?" came a muffled reply. It didn't take long before Cheryl realised Kimberley was crying and pulled back. " What is it ?" she repeated, reaching her hand up she cupped the girls cheek.'

Kimberley shut her eyes, leaning into the contact. " I need to tell you something," she sobbed. Flicking her eyes back open; Kimberley noticed the tears in the Geordie's eyes. " Aww don't cry babe . . please don't cry."

" I can't help it. I don't like seeing you upset, and I have a feeling I am not going to like this . . . your goin' to dump me."

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