Chapter 3

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Chapter Three

It had been a week since the Walsh family had moved into there new house. Kimberley had started her course at the local college, while her younger brother and sister started at the high school round the corner. Her other sister Sally had managed to find herself a job in town at one of the small cafe's.

Sitting on the sofa, Kimberley flicked through the channels looking for something decent to watch.

" Hey honey," her mum said, walking into the living room, she sat down on the chair.

" Hey," the girl mumbled back.

" Are you board ?" her mum asked, laughing at her daughters expression.

Sighing Kimberley settled the channel on some trashy American tv show before turning to face her mum Diane. " I am, but I'm going out tonight with a girl from college . . . Sarah."

" Awk thats good dear. Where are you off to ?"

Truefully Kimberley didn't even know. Her and Sarah had got talking after the girl asked her to borrow a pen. The blonde asked if she would want to go out for a few drinks, and she would show her around town. Sarah then explained she moved to Newcastle to be with her boyfriend but they had broken up and she was now living with one of her friends. " Just a few bars in town I think . . . I'm not really sure. She seems a bit mental but shes nice enough."

" Ok love. Do you want me to iron you anything ?"

" If you don't mind." Kimberley smiled at her mums offer. " I'll just go and look out what I'm wearing," getting up she then made her way upstairs to her bedroom.


Cheryl puffed away on her cigarette as a taxi pulled up outside her house. She watched as Kimberley staggered out and began walking, unsteadily down the path leading to her house. " Alright fat arse !" she called before taking another draw of her fag. " Drunk much ?"

Finding it very difficult to walk any further without falling, Kimberley grabbed onto the iron fence and looked up, meeting the Geordie's gaze. " Yeah because thats what big girls do, go out and get drunk in pubs not the local park !" she smirked back.

" Funny !" Cheryl shot back annoyed. " How old are you anyways ?" she then asked as she watched Kimberley stumble, her keys falling out her hand and landing on the grass as she did.

" Sh*t !" Kimberley cursed. Getting down on her hands and knees she felt about the grass for them.

" Close, close , warmer , ooh your getting there , now you boiling !" laughed Cheryl as she continued to watch the girl struggle. " Bingo !" she then said sarcastically when she finally found them. Her gaze suddenly fell to the girls arse that was waving around in the air as she tried to get herself back up.

" Aww shut the f*ck up !"

The small brunette gasped, holding her hands up to cover her mouth, pretending to be hurt. " What time do you call this anyway ?" she asked , referring to the fact that it was three in the morning.

" Time for silly little girls to be in there bed and I'm 18, so I am old enough to do what I want mum !"

Sick of the bad looks she had been getting over the past week, Cheryl finally broke. " What have you got against me !?"

" What have I got against you !? More like . . . What have you got against me !?" Kimberley shot back.

" I've got nothing against you ! Your the one that flipped me off last week !" the Geordie replied while flicking her cigarette to the floor and stubbing it out with her foot.

" Only because your stupid, immature pal started making snide comments about me. I was actually going to say hi and anyways . . . what are you doing out at this time ?"

Cheryl found herself smiling at how cute the girl looked as she pouted at her. " Well it wasn't me who made that comment !" she said shaking the strange thought from her head. " And I am waiting for my brother."

Eventually feeling stable on her feet, Kimberley began walking down the rest of the path. " What the druggie one ?" she asked, remembering some of the stuff Sarah had told her about the family. She soon wished she hadn't though when she saw Cheryl's face flash with hurt, her eyes welling up with tears. " Cheryl I'm sorry . . . I didn't . . . " Kimberley began but it was no use as the girl ran off inside.

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