Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

" Cheryl pet . . . Is that you ?" Joan called when she heard the door being opened.

" Aye mam." Cheryl replied as she shut the door over. Walking through to the kitchen she saw her mum and her sister standing, their hair and make up was done, and they were wearing some of there nicest clothes. " Where are you going ?" she frowned. " And where are the boys ?"

" Their next door babe. Diane and John have invited us all over for a few drinks. You go and get yourself ready and then come over ok ?" Joan said while opening the fridge and pulling out a bottle of wine.

Cheryl thought for a while. She really didn't want to go over there, not after what happened with Kimberley. Adam had also been trying to chat her up, and to be honest she just wasn't intrested in him. " Nah mam. I'm tired. I think I'll just stay in tonight."

Both Joan and Gillian frowned. " Aww come on Chez !" her sister pleaded. Gillian watched as her younger sister shuffled her feet and began fidgeting with her fingers, automatically she knew there was something wrong . . . more than Cheryl was letting on.


After her mum and sister left, Cheryl went up and stuck her pjays on before throwing herself on the sofa and flicking on the tele. Once Corrie had finished, she flicked it over to Eastenders and began getting engrossed in the dramatic storyline. Just as it was getting good the door went. Sighing she got up and made her way out into the hall, thinking it was probably one of her siblings. "Kimberley ?" she said in shock once the door was open.

" Hey," the girl replied back, looking rather nervous. " Your mum sent me round, she wanted me to get you to come over." Looking up from the briefest moment, Kimberley caught the younger girls gaze. " Listen Cheryl . . . what I said the other night was bang out of order, I was drunk and I never ment it . . . I'm sorry."

" Whatever !" The Geordie simply replied before turning and walking back down the hall. She left Kimberley standing at the door, not sure whether she was to follow or not. She was about to leave when she heard the familiar Geordie accent shout  " What . . .  is me house not good enough of you ?"

Smiling, Kimberley stepped in and shut the door behind her. " No not at all," she called while looking at the wallpaper that was peeling from the walls. It was a far cry from her house, but it didn't bother her one bit. She proceeded to walk down the hall, until she came to the living room door, where she saw Cheryl lying on the sofa. She was frowning at the tv screen.

" See . . .  now you've made me miss what Peggy said and I don't understand what's going on !"

Kimberley laughed whilst looking around. There was one sofa and one chair, which was piled with clothes.

" Here sit down." Moving her legs, Cheryl left a space for the older girl to sit.

Grateful, as she was a little tipsy, Kimberley sat down. " Thanks."

" I saw you sunbathing eariler," the brunette said, her eyes still fixed on the tv.

" Yeah . . . had bit of a hangover," Kimberley said, her eyes looking down at the other girls feet that where pressed up against her thigh. " I really am sorry for what I said to you. I shouldn't of said it."

" No you shouldn't have, but I suppose I deserved it. I said some horrible things to you." Quickly Cheryl looked at the girl, and then went back to watching the tele.

" Awk don't worry about it." Kimberley replied while patting the girls foot. Cheryl jumped a little before looking up and flashing the most stunning smile, which more or less took Kimberley's breath away. The Geordie was clearly a very beautiful girl, infact Kimberley didn't think she'd seen such a beautiful person in her whole life. She had the cutest features, with her big brown eyes, long eyelashes and cute little dimples. Her long, brown hair hung loosely on her shoulders, framing her face. Suddenly realising she was staring, she snapped out of it and pulled her hand away. " So are you comin' over then ?"

" I suppose," Cheryl winked, while getting up from the sofa. " I'm just goin' to get ready. I might take a while . . . you can go back next door if you want ?"

" It's ok I'll wait if you want me to ?"

Turning round, Cheryl looked at the girl. " A don't really care, do what you want," she shrugged. " There's juice and that in the kitchen if you want anything."


An hour later and Kimberley was still sitting in the living room. Sighing she lay her head back and shut her eyes, thinking back to the adorable smile Cheryl had gave her earlier, and how it made her feel. Never in her life had she got butterflies in her stomach over a smile, and never in her life had she thought so highly of a girls looks.

" Kimberley . . . are you sleepin' ?" Cheryl asked as she walked into the living room.

Quickly opening her eyes, the girl caught sight of the Geordie. She gasped silently as she looked her up and down. ' Just when I thought she couldn't get anymore beautiful,' she thought to herself.

Cheryl looked over to see Kimberley staring at her. " What . . . do I look a mess ?" she asked, worried she hadn't made enough of an effort.

Once again Kimberley looked the girl up and down, thoughts flooding her mind of how amazing she looked in the tight jeans, low cut, sparkly top and little pump shoes, not to mention her hair, that was now tied up in a funky ponytail, and her make up that was done to perfection. " No you look good."

" Are you sure ?" the brunette asked while cupping her generous amount of cleavage and sorting it into place. " Because I might go and change my top. I feel as if me tits are goin' to pop out !"

Kimberley laughed. " Nah am sure you'll be fine. Now let's go, people will be wonderin' where I am."

" Thought you were a big girl ?" Cheryl winked back. " People don't worry about where big girls are !"

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