My boyfriend is the star quarterback, but I had sex with the school nerd. Chapter 3

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School blew by in a whirlwind of tests and dates and information. And oh yeah, Ian had of course finished his homework in time for Bio. He didn't even look at me in Biology when he turned in his homework. Unfortunately, Mrs. Greene, our bio. teacher thought it would be "fun" to do group projects. Guess who I got paired up with? That's right: Ian. He didn't seem too thrilled by the arrangements either, and appeared to want to take on the policy, "You do it all, or I can", but I thought that we should work on it together.

"Umm soooo what do you want to build the cell replicate out of?" I asked, trying to be friendly. "Whatever. Do you want to handle the model or the report? And don't try to get out of it because I know you can handle it, you're smart." answered Ian. WTF? "Excuse me? We're supposed to work on this TOGETHER as a group?!" I said. "Yeah, technically me doing half and you doing half is so obviously not a group effort," he answered sarcastically rolling his eyes. "Fine!" I said as the bell rang. "I'll talk to you about it tommorow."

I ran off to study hall, my safe haven. I had an unproctored study hall because of my high GPA, so all I had to do was sign in and roam the school grounds. Jared had somehow managed to make honor roll last quarter and also had this study hall with me. You can imagine how he wanted to spend his free, unsupervised hour at school with me. "No Jared, we are NOT going to your car!" I said. "It's not like its allowed anyway!" "Oh come on baby, it's not like the administration can effect us" he said with a weird emphasis on us. "After school. I'm going to have to stick around for an hour anyway because of the knew Sci-bowl team they're forming." I answered. Jared looked totally taken aback, he forgot I'd given in. "Sci-bowl meeting? Since when?" he stuttered. "Umm since I completely love science and think this would be a good opportunity for a good mark on my college resume?" I replied. "Okay fine, whatever, as long as you spend the hour between 3:00 and 4:00 with me" he said grinning. I rolled my eyes, "whatever, I have to go to the bathroom." I lied and left the hallway. On my way to freedom from my boyfriend, I ran into Ian Weston. He did not look impressed with me and Jared's conversation.

"So you're giving your boyfriend sexual favors to stop bugging you and then you run away? wow your something special," he said. "What the hell do you think you're doing? It's not any of your business who I offer sexual favors too!" I yelled. "First of all, I wasn't interfering, you and your 'man' need to find somewhere else to discuss your sex lives at the upper end of the decibal scale. Second, why're you joining Sci-bowl? and Third, so you totally just admitted you were offering Jared sexual favors to stop bugging you. pathetic," he ended with a satisfied grin. "Why do you care about any of that anyway?" I answered, "It's not like it affects you!" "Well, 'bio buddy' I am captain of the Sci-bowl team. So if you want to be on it, you're going to be spending a good bit of time with me and likewise, me with you." For some reason, when he started talking about the part about me and him and him and me, I got this dirty little mental picture of him and me and me and him. It was a little shocking to tell the truth. I gaped at him for a few moments before stomping my foot and huffing away. I could hear him laughing down the corridor. He should watch his own decibal scale.

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