My boyfriend is the star quarterback, but I had sex with the school nerd. Chapter 10

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I jolted awake in the middle of the night. Opening my eyes, I felt wide awake. I shoved off my covers and got out of bed, walking around my room. I went to my window and looked outside. I caught a glimpse of a familiar black car outside. As I leaned into the window to get a better look, my breath fogged the window up.

I quickly put on a pair ofslippers. I tip-toed down the stairs, sparing a glance at my mother who was sound asleep. Quietly, I slunk outside, and walked to the car. I peered inside to see who was in it. It was Ian, thankfully, and not some stranger. He was streched out over the driver's seat, which was pushed back to its full extent. I smiled at his sweet, sleeping innocence. His hair fell casually into his face, his luscious eyelashes were amplified by his closed eyes, and his lips were pulled into a very cute sleeping pout.

I tapped on the glass. Ian's face went further into a pout, his lips jutting out and his eyebrows contracting. I rapped on the window. He slowly awoke, rubbing his eyes with his hands and got up to look for the source of the noise. He looked around, finally catching sight of the window. He jumped back like he'd seen a ghost. I suppose it must've been a sight to see a girl you'd kissed a few hours ago outside your car at 3 in the morning in pajamas. But it wasn't so typical to find a boy in his car outside your house at three in the morning either, atleast not in real life.

He seemed to realize this too as he flushed a bright shade of red and unlocked his car. I opened the door, jumped into his car, and slammed the door shut behind me. After all, it was cold outside and I was wearing pajamas and slippers.

"What's up?" I asked as if this was perfectly normal.

"Uhh...nothing," he said.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Umm yeah, its sort of three in the morning, so you can't expect much to be going on," he said, rolling his eyes. I just stared at him. "Oh umm yeah, I was making sure you were safe," he said. I started laughing, "I'll take it for now my knight in umm," I glanced at him, he was wearing a pair of running shorts and a faded blue Abercrombie shirt the color of his eyes, "Abercrombie!" I finished, knowing it would upset him. "Abercrombie?!" he said, "when have I ever worn Abercrombie?" I just stared at him again. He glanced at himself, "Oh," he said.

I just laughed some more. I heard my stomach rumble. "Let's get something to eat!" I said. "Now? at three?" he asked. "Yeah, my mom's out for a good few hours, I'm hungry, and we're already in a car, so we might as well," I answered. "Cool, but where?" he said again, reasonably enough, turning on the car.

Our answer came through the radio: FOURTHMEAL!!! at Taco Bell. "Taco Bell it is!" he said, starting to get into it. We drove off in the direction of Taco Bell, loudly singing along to one of those cruddy songs that everyone knows every word to but no one really likes.

We stumbled into Taco Bell, giggling. We probably looked like a pair of wasted highschoolers or college kids coming to Taco Bell to eat before passing out. The cop eyes us suspiciously. I composed myself, and searched the most probably empty pockets of my pajamas for a couple of bucks to buy a drink and a burrito but Ian said, "It's cool, I got it." We both ordered medium drinks and seven-layered burritos.

Ian said, "You wanna stay here or find somewhere cool to eat?" How did you think I was going to answer. "Somewhere cool, do you know of such a place?" I answered.

Ian rolled his eyes, "Yeah, something like that." He pulled me out of Taco Bell by my wrist. As we were walking back to the car, I gave an involuntary shiver. It was freezing outside.

"Oh, shit, I forgot that you'd probably be cold," he said. "Lemme grab you something." He opened the trunk of his car, instructing me to get inside the car. I heard the trunk slam shut. He got into the drivers seat with a blanket which he threw in the back seat, a leather jacket that he tossed to me, and a school sweatshirt that he pulled over himself. I pulled the leather jacket on backwards and buried my head into it taking in its scent. It smelled like him..and leather. Wait. leather? and Ian? Abercrombie..and Ian? Was he living some kind of double life? I had never seen Ian wear Abercrombie. or leather. or even thinking about it Drakkar Noir. I mean that was the kind of cologne Jared's friends wore. Not that it didn't smell great. I made a mental note to ask him about it later.

I looked up to see us driving off towards the town park. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Oh! finally snapped out of your thinking reverie? We're gonna eat in the park," he said.

"Is this the 'cool' place you were talking about?" I asked.

"Nah, but it'll work for now," he answered.

We grabbed our food, got out of the car and headed towards the playground area of the park. We climbed into a treehouse type playhouse and began to eat.

"What's with the Abercrombie and the leather jacket?" I asked him, voicing my thoughts.

He looked up startled. "What?" he asked.

"Well, your wearing Abercrombie and I'm wearing your leather jacket, and you're just not one of those guys as you clearly stated yourself," I answered.

He just looked at me and started chuckling, "Yeah, but I was," he said.

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