My boyfriend is the star quarterback, but I had sex with the school nerd. Chapter 11

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I quietly sat in the treehouse type thing and stared at Ian, waiting for him to continue. He looked at me seriously and sighed. "Guess I'm gonna have to tell you bout it, huh," he said. I nodded. "What do you think?"

"Okay, so remember when we stopped being friends?" he asked.

"Yeah, about 5th or 6th grade? I think" I said through a mouth of beans and sour cream.

"Well, yeah. So in like 7th grade, my parents wanted me to switch schools."

I thought back on those few years. I hadn't even noticed. Ian wasn't in any of my memories, but I hadn't expected him to be, until now.

"After I switched, well, I was a pretty big hit at the school. You know, St. Pauls. Down the street from Northington."

I nodded my head, yes. Of course I'd heard of the school. It was the party hardy school full of rich spoiled children. Our school was private too, but we held a good moderation of kids. Good. and bad.

"Anyway, at St. Pauls, I became really popular, really fast. To cope up with it, I wore the Abercrombie, the leather jacket, and the Drakkar Noir. Remnants of which I still have and use. Especially the cologne which I really dig. I was a total snoot, and I knew it. I was the worst of all of the guys. Girls were always all over me. Damn, I don't know how many V-cards I pulled. This was, as you can probably figure out, in about ninth grade. Because, trust me, i wasn't doing that kind of shit in junior high. I was raised pretty well. So life was going pretty great for me."

I shrugged, a little disturbed, but not much. I guess when Ian told the truth, he told it full out.

"Right so then that year, in the spring of ninth grade, my mom died. Things went in a downward spiral from there."

He got this really sad glint in his eyes. He started to look down and shuffle his feet.

"My dad was pretty messed up, but he had to stay strong and organize the funeral and take care of me. Relatives came from around to stay with us. But after all of it was over, we felt more alone than ever. It was really hard for him to get through, still is. He got a shrink for both of us. As a ninth grader, it isn't the greatest thing in the world, but the shrink did suggest a change of scenery. So dad bought a storage, dumped all the memories in there. He switched me back to Northington, and we moved to a different, guy-friendly house. My dad's kinda depressed now. He gave up on trying to be the good father after he figured out that I could manage myself. He drinks a lot more and cries himself to sleep a bit. But I think for him, life is really over. He doesn't want to meet anyone else, and the only reason he's handling life right now is cuz of me. And I plan to be out of his way as soon as possible, no strings attached." He concluded on a melancholy note.

He looked really upset and pulled his knees up to his chest-his very nice chest may I add- and put his head down on his knees. His hair fluttered in the wind with the silence of the morning. I scooted over to him and put my arms around him and buried my head into his shoulder. We sat like that for a very long time and fell asleep.

The sky was starting to turn pink when I woke to find my head on Ian's chest with my arms and legs wrapped around him. I pried myself off of him and pulled out my phone to check the time. 6:00. Shit. My mom could potentially be waking up. I needed to get home. now.

I shook Ian violently, trying to get him to wake up to take me home. "Humphirlg" he said in his sleep. "WAKE UP!!" I screamed, "I NEED TO GET HOME!" He flipped away from me, moving his hands in a fervent search for a pillow. Sighing I resorted to one last measure. I leaned into his face, bent down, and stuck out my tongue. I licked his face from jaw to ear finally biting down hard at the top of his ear.

With that, he bolted up. "What the fuck!?" he screamed. "Ian, this is a kid's park." I said.

His eyes widened as he took in the surroundings. "Damn, did we really stay all night?" I nodded silently. I suppose when I properly digested what I had just done, I would be able to analyze and react to it properly, but all I could worry about currently was right now.

"Shit, I have to get you home," he said. Again I nodded, glad that he was catching on so fast.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?" he asked.

Rolling my eyes I said, "Because I just got up. Why didn't you get up earlier?"

He answered, "Hey, it's not my ass on the line."

Good point. shit. I really needed to get back home. I grabbed all the wrapper from our "fourthmeal" and hurried down the ladder of the treehouse thing with Ian close behind. I tossed the wrappers in the trash can and sprinted to his car,jumped in and slammed the door shut. He turned on the car and we were on my way home. I prayed that my mom hadn't noticed my absence. Hopefully, Her latenight watching of the Lifetime channel had saved me.

Ian stopped the car in front of my neighbors house. "Bye," he said. "Oh, um, yeah, bye," I answered, a little nervous. Chuckling, he said, "so I'll see you around then?"

"Yeah, definitely, speaking of which we have a bio project due," I said. "I'll call you later today, kay? I'm a little distracted."

"Yeah I can tell," he answered."But are you gonna get out of my car then?" he said.

"Oh yeah," I said. "bye!"

I leaned forward, and planted a kiss on his soft soft lips. He put his hands on my back and pulled me in for more after a few seconds. I allowed that for a little bit of time, but pulled away.

"Sorry! I really have to go!" I said and ran out of the car, towards my house, leaving a very flushed boy behind me.

I made a mad dash for my house. Checking the kitchen window, I found my mom just waking up and heading to her room. Probably for a bath. Good, she had probably decided that letting me sleep in would be a good idea. I snuck in through the back door and ran upstairs to my room. I went to my bathroom to see how I'd looked last night. According to the mirror, very flushed, and ruggedy with my pink pajama bottoms an the black leather jacket over me. I quickly washed my face and brushed my woodchip filled blonde hair. Dropping the jacket into a corner of my closet where my mom wouldn't see it, I headed to bed. Maybe I'll dream of Ian I thought happily, falling easily asleep.

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